Conversation Between Balmund and Kirukia

9 Visitor Messages

  1. I have class for 3 hours and I might not be able to connect until I get home in the afternoon though, so I might not be on for awhile.
  2. Tomorrow it is then.
  3. Sorry I'm talking on msn and then probably going to bed.
    Maybe tomorrow?
  4. Sorry Kiru, I had to go. I'm back however. Wanna do some more Hard/SH runs?
  5. Are we still going? .___.
    I'm done my trades but you guys aren't online D:
  6. Sure let me log onto my FOney then. I need to get to 32 anyway. I found a Lv 5 Diopside with Magical Sign, so I'm kind of excited to use it
  7. Yo Kiru, how about we go do some Ruins runs in Normal with a newb friend of mine (who's pretty close to 30 btw)?
  8. Maybe later I got caught up in some reading and I have to go do stuff with my sister right now.
  9. Hey Kiru, intrested in a pair of Hard/SH runs?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9