Conversation Between Sylth and Chukie sue

63 Visitor Messages

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  1. oic, sorry to bother you then o:
  2. a little bit more, i will most likely be playing kirukia and chaos. I have Kirukia on msnso it's easy to arrange a game :P
  3. More active? Very nice!

    I got new FC's:

    FC #1:2536-7060-8330
    FC #2:4426-4916-9689

    Mostly on at night...
  4. hmmm unlucky...
  5. You suck ._.

    I took amazing care of my DSL, which I got for Christmas 2-3 years ago... I have no money to buy games not to mention DS's >_> Pirates ftw ;o;
  6. yeh they're great... i have a dsi, ds lite and phat
  7. You know it ;o

    Actually, thats what happened to me - My buttons hinge snapped... Im just gonna sell it for parts and UPGRADE to a DS phat as they are much better.
  8. lol unlucky, My lite's hinge snapped looks like i'm using my gameboy micro for gameboy now. anyway message me when you're back.
  9. Meh who knows? Well, my DS broke... So I'll need your FC again when I get a new one
  10. Thanks for the happy birthday. I'm starting to play a bit more since chaos and Kirukia are back. Incentive (right spelling?).

    Dang I wish I had known.... I would have done atleast SOMEthing :/

    And well I guess this is a half-bye? We're both not very active anymore... meh... I suppose it had to happen at some point, PSZ is a thing of my past ;_;

    Oh well, thanks for the fun times If ever you need to get in touch I have an e-mail ;D
  12. Yeh, but i wont be as active as i was. and you sent that last post on my birthday D:
  13. Wow, how generous! Amazing! But really, I would probably enjoy it less than you would. And dont forget my KOUGA :P

    But seriously, that's incredibly nice of you, but it'd just be a waste

    I pretty much only play this game to hang out with friends, such as you, and am not really interested in what items I play with ;D

    So like... quit for realz, eh? Can I keep in contact via PSO-world? D:
  14. sorry i missed you, and it was a pso gc psycho wand, not a psz one. I've been playing pso much more than psz, so if i finally give up i'll give you my psz psycho wand for free. I like my celeb 5 zero cane better anyways.
  15. Runs later? I have the next 3 and 1/2 hours off.
  16. Bitch

    Cool find though. Prolly cant do any runs today... You gonna put it in your trade list? I'll like.. outbid people to make you get better offers or something xD
  17. Succeeded then after the tower i went on to some ruins runs. and found a freakin PSYCHO WAND!!!
  18. -ATTEMPTING- eh?

    Well looks like it;s 2-3 am for you now anyway

    Probably not tomorrow-Im chillin' with my CrossCountry friend Maybe though...
  19. Neither can I, i'm attempting the east tower as a level 168 hunewearl T_T. attempting being the emphasized word there.
  20. K. I cant play right now though :/
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 20 of 63
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