Conversation Between Leilla-chan and Ce'Nedra

12 Visitor Messages

  1. Ahh lags like on the Psu servers?
  2. Both online and offline, depends on my mood and if i can bear with the lag and randoms.
  3. You playing online?
  4. IF you can call it a lost, i never gotten really much into the JP version, the language barrier is a huge problem to me, i can't remember most things since its all in JP and that is a huge turn down for me. Besides the fact i had to start over all again didn't help either. I'm not sure if i will play it again, PSP2 takes all my time right now.
  5. Nice of them, so we lost you to psp2?D;
  6. Karen and Tenebris took me with them alot of times. And yes i like PSP2 way more then PSU.
  7. ohh, you did some Legacy of the light runs or was invited? How is Psp2 you like it more than PSU?
  8. Nope, i'm playing PSP2 these days (with Nei and Twin Neiclaw). I haven't logged into JP AotI since the beach party kinda. Still got those 3 Twin Lavis Cannon's i need to equip...
  9. Hey still wandering on the JP serve and using your Neiclaw?
  10. you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Who's the noob D:<
  12. the noob is here too :O xP
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 12 of 12