Conversation Between LeilaWhiteNight and Miki~

88 Visitor Messages

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  1. If you're wondering why I deleted something, I posted something about an anime and then i wondered if it was stupid to post it
  2. If i dont hear back from my friend by 930 i'll try to join you guys
  3. I'll be online in a bit. idk when
  4. Hai miki. You wanna do some runs online?
  5. if you're wondering how i knew her age, was looking through the thread recently and somehow that info stuck. was looking to make sure i hadnt accidentally copied anyone with Miki's bio, so wound up reading the thread
  6. its ok. I've been scarce online lately, so I knd of deserve that. lol. I hope your friend isnt mad at me for that. Or you for that matter.
  7. Anyway, i stopped playing for now since i need to make lunch (and since you never appear anyway >:3)
    Just kidding. :3
  8. dangit. now i feel even worse. I just said later, i didnt say when later. *sends you a million apologies and hopes you don't kill me for this*
  9. Ya I must prepare @ 12.

    Btw did you know I told one of my friends to leave for your spot? >:3
  10. its ok. have class today?
  11. Btw I'm only up til 12 ><
  12. Ah, no. Dw bout it.
  13. i'll try to get online later tonight. I'm sorry for how many nights i've been offline.
  14. Ok I understand...
  15. Miki, you up for some runs?
  16. its ok, dw about it. I can do a few runs offline for a bit before work (2pm-630 for me but might need to pick groceries up after)
  17. Sorry miki, I shoulda asked vio first before jumpin to conclusions
  18. its ok. it happens. I'll try to meet up with you guys later then.
  19. Aww... I didn't expect another person to join
    Vio's with dysen and saf. ><
    If you want to play now, idm givin you my spot...
  20. Hey miki. Me and vio are about to play. Wanna join?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 20 of 88
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