Conversation Between soulpimpwizzurd and Udonge

7 Visitor Messages

  1. you're cruel
  2. Nah. I'll keep my butt for myself thanks :P
  3. you're quite welcome, so can you make a guide on achieving ass of that shape and caliber or are you going to keep it a secret
  4. well thanks... I guess o.o
  5. no man your characters ass is just really good that's all. and i'm jellis

    wait, i mean that's incredible. because this is pso2! infamous for no ass!
  6. My character's butt is perfectly normal :/
    Also is that how you always greet people? Talking about their butt? >.>
  7. how did you get your character to have an ass without having explosive thighs

    please share your secrets please
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7