Conversation Between vividspider and Porkmaster

10 Visitor Messages

  1. Haha, yeah.
  2. Zomg, I forgot you existed on PSO-W.
  3. O hai. (^▽^)
  4. (^▽^)
  5. Okay, I will. C:
  6. Something that sounded way meaner than I wanted it to. I was having a bad day and pretty much everything was pissing me off. You didn't do anything wrong.

    Practice up for PSO2, though. I wasn't kidding about what I said in my thread.
  7. What did you post on my profile and then delete? lol
  8. heh ;D
  9. So YOU'RE the reason why Nuru takes like 10 minutes to respond.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10