Conversation Between ~Aya~ and Jakosifer

357 Visitor Messages

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  2. Kuku~ Thanks for your help today with TCO~

    I promise I will try to do more and attempt to get Rokku to do them as well. >.>...
  3. It's been awhile since i-


    Kuku...?? >.>.....................
  4. I waited for the radiant ladies of RT to get on for our good ole antics, but y'all had MYSTERIOUS DISAPPEAR
  5. It's gonna be okay ^_______^.

    I ♥♥ u2
  6. I already did.. once.. ^~^
  7. I deede it 8D

    Yes sir... Das her... But it wasn't like that back when I met her...
  8. @Kuku - i broke into your room last night......... .






    Das it
  9. U da bets
  10. This is a trick isn't it for all those times I've trollt u!
  11. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!

    wanna come dance the night away with me? 8D.. i just went to go get a drink. Took like 4 days tho
  12. Huh, and I was set to actually be nice and dance with you too. Will never make the mistake of treating you like a human again! D<
  13. /takes your hand and guides you to da dance floor and then...

    /walks away
  14. LOL I know, i just always say that cause i like it. sounds like an adventure 8D
  15. two hearts meet*
  16. and there's no conspiracy~

    behind the way to heist meeee~
  17. what?
  18. Ohmaigado~
  19. Alright, I'll be nice.
    Told you though, I know everything.
  20. evil............... you should delete that 8D
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