Conversation Between Azusa and Emp

22 Visitor Messages

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  1. I don't plan on buying any AC as well it came with the vita version
  2. Nah it wont be. Ill be doin alot of the work lol.
  3. uh...... that's extremely advance for me and it sucks I will have to waste 700 AC and all I am going for is the Miku full suit
  4. Transfer to ship 10. You can come along with me on Time attack runs which you unlock as you finish the first 4 story story quests. You can get a good start at getting some money that you will use to buy some good equipment from the player shops. You can gain 150,000 meseta a day just doin the Normal difficulty Time Attack client orders.

    Make sure to change the language on your vita to japanese(you will have an english keyboard that translates english letters in katakana as well as another english keyboard that is just an english keyboard.

    A mag is a device that helps you adds to your stats. For example, I get +93 Tech and +57 Dex for having my mag equipped. It helps alot when you cant equip some equipment because you are maybe 1-3 points shy of the required stat that you need to equip it.
  5. well since you said you play mot of your time soloing i'll do that for a while and MITE transfer and what is a mag?
  6. U transferred?

    Use the remaining 300 Ac and buy a mag. Youll hv two mag after u complete the mag CO from Koffie who is the lady beside the lady u pick quests at.
  7. err 700 AC down the drain...
  8. If you want, I can help you out from time to time if you come to ship 10. I won't be able to hold your hand all the time though.
  9. Ya. I messed up when I picked a ship. But I luckily an english team on ship 10 and joined it. They help me a bit from time to time. 90% of the 500 hours I've put in is consisted of solo'ing.

    Tbh, leveling at the beginning goes fairly quick. Its just the later levels like 30+ that take a bit. Right now, it takes like 2-3 days to get a level.
  10. was expecting 2 like 99% of everyone here I think its impossible to find a low level lke myself there it seems its al high as hell levels
  11. Im on ship 10
  12. What sever are you in, 2? I was thinking of changing cause I need so done to help me I don't like playing alone...
  13. Board.......
  14. Why dont u play it?
  15. It vita version came with AC 1000 I never used but already redeemed
    I don't play it though
    But my lvl is extremely low at like 3
  16. U should get some ac and transfer to another ship before u hv alot of valuable things in game which dont transfer with ur character
  17. I know.....
  18. Aww that sux. Not many english players there
  19. One.......
  20. Oh ya. Are u playing pso2? If yes, what ship?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 20 of 22
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