Conversation Between Robert_Garcia and Vanzazikon

13 Visitor Messages

  1. I know it's late, but thanks for the B-day wish and I think you've had enough souls... XD
  2. Happy Birthday, you still owe me a soul.
  3. The battle for my soul...or what's left of it.
  4. What did you win?
  5. Ha! I win!
  6. GAH!! Blast, a worse attribute, I have completely lost interest in your soul. BEGONE! *Hides* >>;
  7. Scared? Nah...just lazy.
  8. Scared already? You had potential... ;o
  9. we're not going there...
  10. Although it's a hurt, barely noticeable, probably bad tasting one, yes you do.
  11. I have a soul?
  12. You've come to give me your soul?
  13. Garcia was here...
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 13 of 13