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4 Visitor Messages

  1. Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop
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  3. Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop Photondrop
  4. Whispers of the past still haunt this graveyard. A few lost souls happen upon this place, picking among the remnants alongside those who have seen fit to dwell here. But one force, Tracon, remains consistent. It has been 12 years since the keepers of Arkham attempted my banishment, yet I persist. And so I shall continue to persist. Photondrop is what drives me. The original banishment was a sin, but the legacy that persists is one of your own creation.

    Despite offering reasons for my seemingly out-of-character behavior (I would all of a sudden, without provocation, post Sims porn? Really?) and offering proof, even going to far as to offer the moderators timesheets showing that I was at work when the posts occurred, the ban remained.

    You all could have ended this. The mods could have overturned the ban after viewing proof of my innocence, yet they elected to ignore the truth. My initial please to Frink and the others could have been taken in. But none would do what was just. So I became the monster you accused me of being. My pleas to the mods were ignored and I fell victim to punishment for a crime I did not commit, so I victimized those who stood against me in my hour of need. You let your own distaste for me corrupt your morals. You chose emotion over truth. Instead of what was just and fair, you chose indulgence. So I, too, indulged.

    Over a decade. I have spent over a decade pestering those who took action against me. It started with the IRC chat, and it hasn’t stopped. You may think me a monster, but I am merely living up to the image you crafted for me. You are the Dr. Frankensteins of this tale, and your monster stands as testament to your transgressions.
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