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  1. View Conversation
    Happy Birthday, Orange_Coconut have a great one!!
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    help help please
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    Happy Birthday, Hunter Orange_Coconut!!!
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    Happy Birthday!
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    Happy birthday!
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    Happy birthday!
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    Happy Birthday Orange!

    for some reason i thought I just said it below. but then I looked at the year. and I am like whoa! Time flies by!

    Happy Birthday!
  8. View Conversation
    Happy Birthday!
  9. View Conversation
    Happy birthday to you, Orange_Coconut.
  10. Looking good so far! So What did you get me for my birthday? Also? Happy birthday! Happy birthday! TO ME! Happy birthday! TO ME! Now sing a song to me! Now I owe all your present and cake! Cause I am the birthday monster! So Happy birthday!
  11. View Conversation
    Happy Birthday Orange!
  12. Happy New Years! └( ̄▽ ̄*)
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    Happy birthday!
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    Happy Birthday Orange!
  16. View Conversation
    I actually haven't played Demon's Souls - by the time I had heard of it, Sony had started doing all sorts of disingenuous things to their customers, so I never picked it up.

    It is a great game though - but so far, it doesn't seem so much "hard," but I'm still in the earlier parts of the game. From my understanding, the nightmare-inducing content starts a little farther in than I currently am. The combat and exploration are very fun, and the way all of the areas are interconnected feels almost like a true 3D Metroidvania.

    From what I've heard, the game is largely improved over Demon's Souls, with the exception of the network aspect, which is a little shaky due to peer-to-peer networking being used instead of dedicated servers for the game (to prevent any issues of server upkeep, so the online mode won't randomly be shut down if they decide to give up the servers).
  17. View Conversation
    Hehe thanks :3
  18. View Conversation
    I used Raynie and Rosche. I actually took out the final boss rather quickly than with Raynie and Aht for my second time around. I used Rosche use his attack increase on himself and Stocke and then kept on using Haste Mode to power up Raynie's G-Frost and Shadow Arts with Stocke to follow afterwards. They were... hmm... 53 and Rosche was 49. However, it was rather costly because of all the tourniquets I used. Still, I took about 10 min to take him down but it was 19 min the second time around. I thought of it rather disturbing, considering that Stocke and Raynie were 56 whereas Aht was 51. Interesting, right?

    So, I'm on 61 hours into the game and 60+ chars. Still can't beat that ultimate boss >.<
  19. View Conversation
    So, I just finished almost all of the pages. THE LAST PAGE IS HARD!!! Let's just say it's like Kingdom Hearts's Sephiroth hard o_o

    Also, just fyi, there are two different endings: the incomplete ending and the complete ending. The incomplete is if you didn't complete certain sidequests whereas the complete ending is if you did beat those sidequests. I won't tell you what exact happens but that's the replay value of the game. And here's another thing: OMG!!! Even though my characters are at least Lv 60, I CAN'T BEAT THE ULTIMATE BOSS!!! >.<
  20. View Conversation
    I've really got to stop posting on my own profile XD lol

    Anyway, it really does feel like Marco doesn't really stand out too much. If anything, he's more of a cohort of Raynie. Plus, his overall moveset doesn't stand out either until you hit the 50s with him. He'll start having group buffs.

    Of all the characters, I used Eruca and Marco the least. The ones I really love though are Raynie, Rosche, and Aht. If I had the ability to take out Stocke, I totally would. Oh! And another thing. I suggest you really work on the side quests that enables your character to learn attacks upon receiving a given item. Most of them really come in handy, especially the ones that Stocke, Raynie, Gafka, and Rosche learn.

    And I doubt i'll ever get a PS3 any time soon.
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About Orange_Coconut

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October 30, 1986 (38)
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Lina, Yellowboze FOnewearl (Level 123) - GameCube
Xita, Redria HUnewearl (Level 136) - GameCube


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Lina, Yellowboze FOnewearl (Level 123) - GameCube
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