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  1. View Conversation
    Tracon is eternal. The old ones shall never die.
  2. Geeze, almost 2 years since I saw this message. Have I really been gone so long?
  3. View Conversation
    It's a bit of a trick registering since you have to enter a Captcha code in Japanese. When I signed up I had to cross-reference the symbols with a chart and use an online JP keyboard to get it. After that I had no issue connecting to the servers and I'm on the east coast of the US.

    What kind of stuff have you been doing? I kinda miss those old tutorials you put together.
  4. View Conversation
    Yeah, I know how that feels. Have you tried PSO2? I played for a while earlier this year but it didn't quite hook me like PSO used to. It was a heck of a lot better than PSU for sure, but still not quite the same.
  5. View Conversation
    We had some plans originally for the promo demo for voice acting. We had actually gotten someone to play the voice of Rico. She was also a programmer and she was tasked with dealing with a facial animation software for a short cinematic in the beginning.

    However, the majority of the features for the promo were cut short. We've just recently finished, today actually, the level design for Forest 01 again. I don't think we'll expand on letting players go into or behind the Forest level. We have very limited time and contributors. We're looking to release something that works like PSOBB before we go too crazy with additions.

    Voice acting can be done and people can contribute if they like. The project is just a far away from requiring something like that though. Maybe in the future we'll get around to it.

    On another note, look out of a potential video of the new Forest 01 level design. We haven't decided if we're going to release a build of it yet though. We're trying to keep things simple so we can eventually release something that works. Our top prority right now is just my networking lib GladNet2, some tools/framework design stuff and etc.

    Stay tune for some cooler stuff like that after we've got something out there with people playing it already.
  6. View Conversation
    Adam the great, it made my day to hear from you old friend.
  7. View Conversation
    Hello Adam, it has been a long time! I could never leave this place. No matter how I try I always come back eventually.

    How have you been?
  8. View Conversation
    All of the sudden I had this incredible urge to watch all of your old videos again, like, literally hit me out of nowhere at work. I remember they had a pretty significant impact on me when I first started playing PSO...
  9. View Conversation
    Old one.
  10. School has pretty much consumed me. Miss tearing things up with y'all, sadly I won't be on GC anytime soon. Might jump into PSO2 eventually when school settles down.
  11. Oh hey Adam.
  12. View Conversation
    Which word? Diadu? It's a website that's run by Demon which was named after a rather elusive PSU synthesis material. You may remember him as one of the old GM's and forum mods from way back in the day.

    Also it actually wasn't Lee involved with the donation scamming, it was me and Crono. I'd link you to the article, but I don't want to overstep PSO-W's boundaries. I'm sure you can come across it if you google it though.
  13. View Conversation
    I joined PSO2 a couple weeks ago. Before that I've been console gaming and the experience isn't quite the same. Its good to see you back.
  14. View Conversation
    It's a bit of a long story, but it pretty much involved me outing the admin for being a scumbag by selling hacked items for profit shortly after Lee had banned Corey and later kicked me off the GM team because I didn't want to conform to the extremest rules they were enforcing. Diadu has a whole story on it if you're interested in reading up on it. It's rather amusing. I'm actually kinda glad that all happened anyway, I really lost all of my interest in dealing with PSO and that community a couple years ago and never really had an out while I was still on the staff. Blessing in disguise I guess. It let me spend the rest of my free time on PSU until it shutdown and now I'm on PSO2 which I'm having a blast with.

    That PSO server has really gone down the shitter lately, and it seems like it's still getting worse which is hard to believe. You should get a load of the new camwhore they just promoted to GM for no reason other than the fact she's a camwhore. Looks like they're making classy decisions as always! But I digress. I've actually contemplated starting my own server a couple of times but lack the motivation, dedication, and free time to do something like that is the main reason why I haven't.

    On a lighter note, no problem! That video was rather fun to do back then. Doesn't seem like it was that long ago but it's been at least 6 years if not more I think haha. I'd say that was one of my highlights of playing PSO back in the day.
  15. View Conversation
    Sure am. I can't post on that one forum though if you're wondering why I seemingly vanished from there. Got banned from it nearly 8 months ago unfortunately.
  16. View Conversation
    Adam the great. Its sure been a while. Are you playing PSO2?
  17. View Conversation
    Hey Adam!

    It's been a while yeah, I kinda quit PSOGC after hitting 200, I tried to come back a few times but somehow I couldn't get into it anymore. I moved on to Monster Hunter Tri with Belzebub and Apollo for a good while and now I'm playing PSO2 on the Japanese server. Was in the closed and open beta's of it as well. The game is so amazing, you should give it a try, there's a patch that translates the most important stuff to english so everyone can play it.

    I'm doing pretty well myself, bussy with work alot, stuff is going well there, and in the evenings I just spend my time on PSO2 with alot of new friends I made there. Joined a team (guild/clan) and we're all having a very good time. Monolith and Cry0 (yes the Cry0) are also in the same team and we hang out alot.

    How have you been? still playing PSOGC or did it died out on Scht? Haven't been to that place in ages but there is nothing left for me there anymore.
  18. View Conversation
    Weird. I'm really sure I've seen you before on youtube.....
  19. I decided before I officially joined the site that the avatars here are incredibly retarded looking. Because of that, unless I can make my own, which will never happen, I'll never use one.
  20. View Conversation
    you realy need an avatar
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