May many Rares and Meseta fall in the wake of your weapon,on your Birthday, Hunter SabZero!
Happy Birthday, SabZero!
Happy birthday! Haaaay
Back on with PSO2Proxy -\_o_/-
Well, there goes my PSO2 usage. Since the DDOS I can't connect to shit.
police force
Thank you
Happy birthday to you!
ERMAHGERD. People are alive on here
Happy Birthday Sab Zero! Hope yoou have a great one last online 3/12?
hahhaha.. did you go to Brisbane? His face... priceless. XD
Got my renovations permit. Now to jump in headfirst into giant debt. sigh.
PM me if you want a set of PSU elemental charms.
So the selling of the charms isn't working. I need to raise money for the renovation of my historic house, so I can live in it. sad face.
Heh, I can try it next time. Maybe for Kree Mpuffs
FoatHeart the one who said we should bake more cakes, showed me a "hillybilly" lady's cooking show on youtube, to cheer me up. Lots of "shut up dog!" when she made her "weiner wayngs." Hot dog, bun, cheese still in a large block, into oven. And there you have it! I would 100% support a baking cooking show you made, especially since W0LLY makes the desserts himself on video camera, expert class job skills outside of PSU!
To whom it may concern: Two sets of the PSU elemental polymer clay beads I made are going on ebay later today. ID sabinedb Edit: They're up.
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Crazy Awesome Old Potato Man Guy
The Grin
Rappy Hunter
Autarch of Gurhal
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