omg hi Aim
Lol *cute creepy stalker girl face* the real deal is even better and YES I liked alot and is epic as you +_+
Since when did you give your character music? *leaves boxed lunch filled with chinese chicken and rice goodness with four potstickers*
O.o I post random message in your shoutbox. Hope you're enjoying my npc
Yo yo Aim! Long time no talk. How're things going? You still going on PSO2? I just, finally, entered that realm of wonder.
Happy Birthday RAGOL
Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday!
Yeah~ Lucky I found it before wiping out my entire screenshot folder.. XD Glad you like! :>
I found this screencap of your character punching evil into the next dimension!!
thank you, that word make me happy.
Thank you very much!!
I'm not on PSO2. I don't know if I ever will be since I don't think I have a computer that will run it. At least, Metatime tells me I don't. I was told, however, that my phone might be able to run it, which is kind of humiliating that a phone might be better than an entire laptop or desk top computer. I'm thinking of trying it out, but need something that it will run on, and I"m not interested in using a phone for it. I want something with physical keyes to press and enter commands from, it's just something I'm more used to. Lable me slow to adapt, but that's just how I am accustomed to gaming. Are you on PSO2, or have you moved on to more fruitful horizons?
Miss gaming with you, man. Hope you're diong well.
I'ma be online Sunday, so if you wanna play pso2 together o3o
vvGO AWAY RYNO!!vv lol xD -stalks Aim- : D
in many ways
Some one is online!
Are you playing PSO2? o: Or are you waiting for English version?
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