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  1. View Conversation
    Hey 09! I just saw you post in the PSO2 SEA thread. I'd honestly recommend just going with the Japanese version of the game instead of SEA. SEA version is way behind and has ridiculous things like costumes that bind to your character (so you can't trade them) and abilities built into costumes. The Japanese server is the one I would recommend. I'm on there and I know Aim is as well. Would be cool to see you!
  2. View Conversation
    I decided to pop in here , old memories and all
    Meta I also play D3! can't wait for the new expansion theres so many new content and changes! should hit me up if you get it
  3. Hey Ithildin, long time no see =P. D3 and a few games have me occupied but I'm pretty much done with them and soon getting on PSO2 =)
  4. View Conversation
    U playing yet?
  5. View Conversation
    09!!!!!! I waited for you for 3 years. 3 long years and this happens. You have to find a way to join us for the last 2 months.

    One of my characters info says "waiting for 09...." its been like that for 3 years. I gotta see you.
  6. Yeah I heard, how crappy =( I was going to come on too and surprise you guys too! haha =P O well maybe another PSO game? I hope so lol
  7. View Conversation
    So, PC/PS2 PSU is shutting down lol >_>

    I won't be moving to 360 (too much work to get leveled up and find all my gear again). I'll still be on XBL and hanging around here though, hoping for another console/PC Phantasy Star game

    Maybe I'll play the private server for BB for a bit, I don't know.
  8. View Conversation
    Nah, I gave up Guild Wars a long time ago I finished University too, but then took a total career change (there were no jobs ANYWHERE in what I'd studied at University). I'm currently waiting to start an Apprenticeship in Administration, should be able to start soon.

    As for PC/PS2, not many people (at all) play PSU now- a lot of people left due to boredom and lack of updates. I myself am taking a break until we get a new update, seeing as I have all the rarz I need

    As for the PSOGC crowd...Aim used to play, not sure if he still does. I've not seen him in a while, but I have been inactive for about 2-3 weeks now. Also (not sure if you remember him) diZZy/hyper <acute> plays on PC/PS2, but he's been pretty ill lately and is only just getting back to normal. I play with a couple of people from PSOBB who are really cool, but it's very rare I see any of the old PSOGC crowd now. Used to play with Ryna a little, but it wasn't a common thing.

    Anyway, thanks for adding me on XBL- great to catch up again too. I can't believe last time we spoke was 2006
  9. View Conversation
    Hey, glad you still remember me

    I don't play on 360 PSU (I play PC/PS2, but even on that I'm taking a break at the moment), but I do have a 360 that I use for other games. Add my GT (UrikoBB3) if you want. After PSOGC, I played Blue Burst for ages, and finally moved to PC PSU. I'll probably be on PSP2 once a US/EU version is released though.

    Anyway, how have you been? Not seen you in ages Good to hear from you again anyway, ill send a friend request while I remember.
  10. View Conversation
    Hey 09, just noticed you'd looked at my profile. We played a little way back on PSOGC (my username here used to be UrikoBB3, and I used a HUnewearl either called Uriko or Terra). I don't think we played often, but I definitely remember 09/Zenneth. Anyway, good to see you still hang around here! No worries if you don't remember me either, it was years ago now
  11. It's really fun. It's basically PSO but portable. There are 8 areas to play in and 3 difficulty levels with a cap of 100.
  12. Hey 09, did you get PS0?
  13. View Conversation
    I'm playing PSOGC on the private server again.
  14. 09! It sucks that we weren't able to do that event for PSO in time..
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09, Pinkal RAcaseal (Level 200), Rank: Ra-GOU - GameCube
Zenneth, Skyly HUnewearl (Level 198), Rank: Ge-EI - GameCube


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