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    hmmm it seems the (remember me) check box dosent work after signing in then another day return to to this site its like i never checked it in the first place...
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    Hey, long time no talk, how've things been? Been pretty busy here with work and PS3 myself lol. Oh, I saw tomorrow that SEGA is having a sale on digital downloads on the PlayStation Network, games like Sonic Adventure, Valkyria Chronicles 2, and PSP2 (for $15.99), maybe you can post up as news, heres the link:
  4. View Conversation
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    it's birthday, indeed
    happy is optional, though
  6. View Conversation
    Thanks for the birthday wishes ryna
  7. View Conversation
    Hello! I have an older account on this site by the user name of Delsaber. I cannot do password recovery because of the email that it is registered to no longer exists. How would I go about recovering this account?
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    Yea, my work schedule is picking up as well, but I usually have every other day off. If you're off tomorrow(and if I can still get online :P) I'll be on most of tomorrow. I'll try to see about maybe doing a challenge guide, probably try it after I beat challenge, or have some free time when I'm really not doing anything on PSP2.
  9. View Conversation
    Also keeping a close eye on PSO2, when they announced it I was just hit with all the nostalgia from PSO. I'm cautiously optimistic about it, but until I hear more about the game and see some gameplay videos and screens who knows. I also hope they announce a PS3 version with joint servers, simply cause at the moment I can't afford to upgrade my PC anytime soon.
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    I had a Challenge party going but only myself and 1 other stayed for the most part, we kept having others joining and leaving so we we're pretty much stuck doing Stage 1 most of the time.

    As far as rare hunting, I haven't done much actually. I've gotten a few here and there. Gotten most if not all of em from the Trade missions, like my Bringer Rifle and Rappy Madoog, but dropwise I think the rarest things I've gotten so far are Magadoog, Twin Booma Claw, and Ruby Bullet.
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    Yea, I just finished normal Story earlier today. I think it was pretty decent, a far better story than PSU was, tho it probably could've used some polish. I was disappointed with lack of being recognized as a former GUARDIAN but meh.

    I want to try challenge mode, but seeing as how I can't get online(well I can atm but I doubt that'll last long) and from the few parties I've seen, hardly anyone does it. Tho I did managed to get at least Stage 1 and 2 done, tho only got Stage 1 under 10 mins so I got my shiny Green Ring as proof.
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    Just let me know what you need help with. I have the game now, you just won't see me online since I don't have it through any 'official' means, tho I plan to within the next few weeks or so. Currently on Ch 9. or 10 atm, can't remember lol.
  13. View Conversation
    Hey, Ryna ! You might remember me (vaguely) from when I submitted a bunch of screenshots of PSZ weapons/mags you were missing. Well, I'll be able to do the same for PSPo2 (I'm getting it tomorrow) so keep me in mind
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    Hey I'll be willing to help out with the PSP2 content page if ya need the help. I probably won't be getting the actual game for awhile but that shouldn't stop me from actually playing, just Online won't be available to me until I get an actual copy, Digital or otherwise. Just let me know, can't wait to play this game in full now. Tho I'm also looking forward to Infinity which seems to be creeping out the corners.
  15. View Conversation
    Hey there, long time no talk. How have things been? Oh also I posted a thread that I meant to put in Off-Topic, in the PSO General section, think you can move it when you get the chance?
  16. View Conversation
    Hey Ryna Dragwind told me you may have some idea where on earth i could get my hands on a Phantasy Star Online Book Of Hunters !!!?!?!?!?! i've search ever japanese book store site,amazon doesn't have. Any idea?
  17. View Conversation
    Phantasy Star Universe
  18. View Conversation
    Oh Ryna, Do you still play on the JP servers or no?
  19. View Conversation
    We do the same thing, except I get in trouble for it.
  20. View Conversation
    Good to see you've still got some humor left in ya.
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About Ryna

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Player Info
PSO Characters:
Hikaru, Skyly HUcaseal (Level 123), Rank: Bu-EI - GameCube
Michiru, Bluefull FOnewearl (Level 123) - GameCube
Ryna, Viridia RAmarl (Level 200), Rank: Bu-EI - GameCube
Ryna, Viridia RAmarl (Level 95) - Episode3
PSU Characters:
Ryna, Human Female (Level 60), HU 10/RA 5/FO 10/FT 7 - JP PC/PS2, Online
Ryna, Human Female (Level 161), HU 10/RA 10/FO 10/AT 20/FT 20/MF 10 - PC/PS2, Online


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Feb 11, 2018 04:06 PM
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Mar 10, 2004

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Player Info
PSO Characters:
Hikaru, Skyly HUcaseal (Level 123), Rank: Bu-EI - GameCube
Michiru, Bluefull FOnewearl (Level 123) - GameCube
Ryna, Viridia RAmarl (Level 200), Rank: Bu-EI - GameCube
Ryna, Viridia RAmarl (Level 95) - Episode3
PSU Characters:
Ryna, Human Female (Level 60), HU 10/RA 5/FO 10/FT 7 - JP PC/PS2, Online
Ryna, Human Female (Level 161), HU 10/RA 10/FO 10/AT 20/FT 20/MF 10 - PC/PS2, Online

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