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25 Visitor Messages

  1. View Conversation
    Just saying hello. And to check if you are still active lol
  2. View Conversation
    lol. i see. yeah. the only time i post is in off topic once a month . to keep my post alive. that i started since 2011. haha. if a new phantasy star comes out i'll start really playing again. I still have my account on PSO2 but i haven't logged on there for a few months. been busy in school trying to get my BA degree in college in digital media graphic design then transfer get a graphics job lol . what about you what have you been up to?
  3. View Conversation
    Lol you still alive
  4. View Conversation
    Sales superfavorecido en el dibujo este... es la foto del DNI?

    En cualquier caso... feliz 25 aniversario de Puyo Puyo! xD
  5. View Conversation
    Killo! Tú puedes entrar al pso2 sin vpn ni leches? Porque yo aun no y ya me estoy rallando. :/
  6. View Conversation
    Dentro de unos meses podrá haber RA/BOs en pso2..... ains, me parto yo solo xDDD
  7. View Conversation
    Hey, I saw your friend code in the Pokemon Y thread, so I'll go and add you. I think my Friend Safari is Flying types.
  8. View Conversation
    You've got Larvesta and Ponyta, not bad
  9. View Conversation
    Hey there, I have pokemon Y, you mind if I add you?
  10. Pues están to xulos xD
  11. View Conversation
    Solo terminé a Chibi y a Landman, los otros están sólo con colores planos.
  12. View Conversation
    Yeah that thread is hidden now, they had understandable concerns above certain things violating Copyright and such.

    This Credits Video isn't Datamining though, the Beta has a "view credits" button before Ship Selection.
  13. I played that new event... the first weekend! I had fun, and I want to try the new mission, but I no longer play as much as I did, too many games to play, too few free time...
  14. View Conversation
    lol. just notice your comment... haah. wish it could notify me if somone replies back on their own profile.
    but anyways. yeah you always wear the same clothes everytime. ive never seen you change at all. haha! do you still play PSU?
  15. Wow vanilla PSU lolol and to think my beast is still wearing that swimsuit... xD
  16. View Conversation
    Wow. Was Bored. Browsing through old PSU Pics and happen to come to this one. lol.
    brings back memories.

  17. View Conversation
    No lo hice con mala fé, pero creo que se pensaron que era un lammer o algo u
  18. You are welcome! and I understand most English, but sorry if I make some mistakes writing xD
  19. View Conversation
    i see english on your post so im hoping you can read this i just wanted to thank you for answering alot of questions ive had even though ive just joined and it was others that asked the questions you have answered alot of my questions thank you
  20. Pues ya ves, si a Karen "Era" la escriben "Erra", donde van a parar estos con su idioma... XD
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About landman

Basic Information

About landman
Xbox Live Gamertag:
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Player Info
PSO2 Characters:
Lynn Newman F (JP) FO/TE
Ulala Human F (JP) GU/HU
May Duman F (JP) HU/FI
Smurfette CAST F (JP) RA/HU
Landman Duman M (JP) TE/HU
Sonia Human F (JP) Hiro
Orakio Human M (JP) Hiro
PSO Characters:
Marc (FOmarl), FORT (HUmar), Big Landman (RAcast), Tillis (FOmarl), Iria (RAmarl), L4NDM4N (HUcast)...
PSU Characters:
landman Newman F
PS Portable Characters:
Lynn Newman F (JP)
Tillis CAST F (EU)
PS Zero Characters:
Tillis RAmarl (JP)
Landman HUcast (JP)
Lynn FOnewearl (JP)

Lynn HUnewearl (EU)



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Most Recent Message
Jul 13, 2018 10:20 PM
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Last Activity
Nov 9, 2020 05:45 PM
Join Date
May 13, 2004

12 Friends

  1. 3R 3R is offline

    The Phantom of the Opera

  2. Angry_Ryudo Angry_Ryudo is offline

    Female CAST creator

  3. Chibi_psu Chibi_psu is offline

    loli chibi the only 1

  4. Darki Darki is offline

    Peanut Emperor

  5. erroranonimo erroranonimo is offline

    Rappy Hunter

  6. FvG FvG is offline

    Rappy Hunter

  7. kirtblue kirtblue is offline

    inked geek

  8. NekoRul NekoRul is offline

    Rappy Hunter

  9. Quintus_The_Force Quintus_The_Force is offline

    A Worshipped Godly FOmar

  10. Rupikachu Rupikachu is offline

    Puny space elf pokewaifu

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Player Info
PSO2 Characters:
Lynn Newman F (JP) FO/TE
Ulala Human F (JP) GU/HU
May Duman F (JP) HU/FI
Smurfette CAST F (JP) RA/HU
Landman Duman M (JP) TE/HU
Sonia Human F (JP) Hiro
Orakio Human M (JP) Hiro
PSO Characters:
Marc (FOmarl), FORT (HUmar), Big Landman (RAcast), Tillis (FOmarl), Iria (RAmarl), L4NDM4N (HUcast)...
PSU Characters:
landman Newman F
PS Portable Characters:
Lynn Newman F (JP)
Tillis CAST F (EU)
PS Zero Characters:
Tillis RAmarl (JP)
Landman HUcast (JP)
Lynn FOnewearl (JP)

Lynn HUnewearl (EU)
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