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  1. View Conversation
    Happy Birthday, CupOfCoffee keep on filling us with caffeine!
  2. View Conversation
    Here's to another year's worth of cups, Happy Birthday, CupOfCoffee!
  3. View Conversation
    Happy birthday!
  4. View Conversation
    Hey don't sweat it. Hell, it seems like we both got wrapped up in that kind of attitude at around the same time! I was also in a much darker place then, and it sounds like that just happened to fuel your anger even more and cause all that to snowball and make a mess.

    But we learn from these things and become better for them! Or, at least I'd like to think that's the case for people, ha.

    Also, it's a shame you won't be knitting any new fabric in the future, but I'll look forward to your new writing, for certain!

    EDIT: Also, I never got to tell you, but shit, that pumpkin you carved of that girl on Halloween was crazy good. That must have taken a lot of work.
  5. View Conversation
    DAMMIT, I missed your birthday! D: Forgive me! Hippy burfday man, keep on being awesome :3
  6. View Conversation
    Happy Birthday, sir. Only three more years until you may need a cane or a backbrace.

    Also, I forgive you for that topic on that Rappy Rapture forum. It happens.
  7. View Conversation
    Happy birthday!
  8. View Conversation

    Still drawing?
  9. View Conversation
    Plague sounds evilly fun, haha. I haven't played too much, between PSO2 and a little Guild Wars 2. Pollybabe got me into Bastion which is pretty darn fun, and I've been playing a super-hard Chrono Trigger hack off and on. Just got by Nizbel on that and that was a bitch and a half.

    Sorry to hear things have been stressful lately, things have been up and down for me too...but despite current issues, I can't complain. I feel like, even if things get hard, I know so many people would kill to have the job I have and many don't have the living situation I do, so I shouldn't get too upset. We'll pull through!
  10. View Conversation
    Oh it was cray alright, I still kinda can't believe I did it XD Was super-fun though, and I'm certain he's gonna love it when the album ships here. Cool to see you're still chippin away at the novel, almost there! I'm doing alright myself, been having a couple of very un-Chelsea weeks but I'll pull through. Life is work and friends and trying to learn some new things like *gasp* drawing, with a bit of gaming mixed in, so I certainly can't complain.
  11. Oh man...that's freaking sweet. xD I love diving into projects like that and then letting them swirl into crazy creative territory. Looks (and sounds!) fantastic!
  12. View Conversation
    I see you gettin all friendly with mah Polly....and it's pretty cool Love it when two really awesome peeps get talkin. What's been up Jack?

    Mixtape idea is really cute. I kinda brave this year and got a little photoshoot done, and I'm having an album made of it for my SO :O I can't wait to see his reaction and it was really fun once I got over my nerves.
  13. That's awesome! Hope it goes good for ya, man. I may just be dorky and make my girlfriend a mixtape just for the hell of it since I really love the idea and we both appreciate the little things like that. ;D

    Lemme know how it goes if you feel like it.
  14. Haha, will do, will do.

    So what kinda mix are you going for? Something SUPER MUSHY WUSHY LOVE LOVE or something that's nice and subtle but gets a really nice feeling across?
  15. Haha, that's still the coolest idea ever. I can't wait to STEAL IT! ;D
  16. Ahh, the Chelstar is quite awesome herself. ;D Love her to bits!

    Morning hours are going kinda crapola. Can't sleep worth a damn tonight at all. Second night this week that's happened. Work in three hours certainly isn't gonna make today especially fun either.

    How's things goin' for teh yous?
  17. Hooray! Greetings new friend! ;D You seem pretty rad!
  18. View Conversation
  19. View Conversation
    Happy birthday Jackicus Coffeeus

  20. View Conversation
    Happy Birthday, sir. Hope you have a nice day (lucky it fell on a Saturday, I bet!).

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