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  1. View Conversation
    what is your f/c for psz and do you have a 3ds
  2. Yeah sure, one second sorry
  3. View Conversation
    I need to give you the femini soul. I forgot to add that. Can you log on again? Sorry
  4. View Conversation
    its alright

    no problem ^ o^ b
  5. View Conversation
    Okay, let's goooo! Thanks, man! ^o^b
  6. View Conversation
    Been a few days, have you checked my offer? Or vague semblance of an offer.
  7. View Conversation
    That community feel is a mystical thing that comes and goes for some people. I think you'll honestly get that feeling again once PSO2 starts rolling around. The portable games all seemed to fail on that level for various reasons I felt, so I know what you're saying there. So many years have passed and we've all grown, that's for sure. Congratulations on becoming engaged!

    I'm sure we'll see each other in PSO2 at some point!
  8. View Conversation
    Understandable. How have you been liking PSZ so far?
  9. View Conversation
    I don't think I've seen you around for a few years, but I definitely remember playing with you on PC/PS2 PSU. I remember your beast as well. Blonde hair, red + white clothing. He wore boots too, I think.
  10. View Conversation
    You must have done a lot of post digging to discover that :3

    Yes, I've had the 91010 error on my old router, but it ONLY happened when playing alone. If it helps, I was using 2Wire. It was fairly random when it happened as well, but I would usually be online for about 5 minutes minimum each time. Something else worthy of note is that I would get 91010'd out most of the time when entering the menu. My friend (PSOW ACC: Ken & Robo) also had this problem, only on Play Alone.

    As far as I'm aware there is no fix for this. Sadlyfe. Hope this helps :3
  11. View Conversation
    what is your f/c
  12. View Conversation
    you can go do that or you can go to the nintendo website and the error code mean i know you got an error code cause read the reply that you put on that one post or you can read what i reply back for you
  13. Sure, but first I gotta figure out what's wrong with my friend list, i'm getting an error related to it. probably going to have to reset my friend code, so I'll give it to you in a day or so.
  14. View Conversation
    hey do you want add me to your psų if here is my f/c:4814-2569-1424 username: Zain
  15. Sure, just give me a bit and ill get it going.
  16. View Conversation
    I couldn't find a trade list with your gear. Can you make one or just type up a list and send it to me to browse through? All I ask is you detail the items like element level, percents, PA if there is one, and say or mark if it was fortified. Thanks for your time.
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The Mitten State
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Jun 27, 2012 10:37 PM
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Aug 3, 2012 10:25 PM
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Jul 29, 2005

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