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  1. View Conversation
    Nice bunnygirl! Also, your char is brown skinned right?
  2. View Conversation
    My internet died tonight lol. I'll be back on this week if it comes on again, not sure whats causing it atm. Probably see you on thurs or wed night if it works by then.
  3. View Conversation
    Steam went into maint (does it every week) so I got booted from chat. Forgot to tell you that I might be a bit late getting on tomorrow, got someone coming to look at the car so idk if that'll affect things. Will be on but maybe a bit late.
  4. View Conversation
    Yeah, just throwing out some ideas for costumes. There's always the Lean Piccner outfit too. That jumpsuit she's currently wearing is still the best IMO.
    And forget that last comment. I saw someone with the same avatar in the fashion thread and thougt it was you...Reading is fundamental @_@ Lol.
  5. View Conversation
    The Cutie Flower looks pretty good! The Weltraum does too but I think it'd look better in black. (Everything looks better in black)

    Either way...Hopefully we'll be seeing more of her.
    I know I saw that you were working on another character in one of the threads.
  6. View Conversation
    It's cool. I've been wanting to take new pics myself. I'm just sort of getting back into it. I saw the pictures in the screenshot thread so I know what you mean. Some of the outfits do look a bit awkward. lol.

    I'm surprised you haven't tried the Cutie Flower or Weltraum outfits. Those show off the legs a bit and are pretty tight fitting.
  7. View Conversation
    We demand more pics of Euphoria!
  8. View Conversation
    Just stopping by to say hi
    Did a bit of snooping around the fashion thread and saw your character there. Very nice. Thick girls FTW
  9. View Conversation
    Ran a filecheck and it downloaded another 14 files so I guess the updater wasn't working correctly when it first downloaded the patch. I'll try new Falz whenever it's on next and see if it made a difference. I'll cya tomorrow
  10. View Conversation
    I'll be on a little later than normal tonight, might be an hour or two later than usual.
  11. View Conversation
    Won't be on for a while. Cant get any internet connection now (using phone atm). Getting a new router but might take a few days and no guarantee it'll work after that.

    Edit: Managed to get internet connection back but it isn't really stable at the moment. Probably not worth trying to play until Tuesday.
  12. View Conversation
    No worries, still not feeling great anyway so it's probably for the best.
  13. LOL funny thing is I talked to you about thm doing somethign like this along those lines and they have sandal heels /o/! ALL MY WANTS<3

  15. Hey could you not see my whispers I was asking ya if ya needed help with your TA's.
  16. I sunt you a friend request instead<3
  17. Lemmeh check I haven't been on lately<3
  18. I love the picks btw nice setting and I like the shade from it as well good positioning.
  19. Type in ID search maxwell12 and look for the Yuri SA.

    Also i'll check em out it can be w/e you want lewd or not does not mattah<3
  20. Also add me in game im alrdy logged on<3
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