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  1. View Conversation
    Glad to see you're still around :]
  2. View Conversation
    I see. Well, that's fine. I mean, I wouldn't even want you to go easy on me or anything.
    Where's the fun in that?

    I really like to run around and just cover every inch of the map in paint, lol
    I'm really not that good at killing since I have absolutely terrible aim. Also, I just don't seem to do enough damage.
    It felt like everyone could take 10 times as much damage than the people I played against before, while I kept dying in a single hit orz

    Gonna see if I can get better equipment soon.
    But yeah, it was fun and I'd like to play again. Just let me know when. Preferably in advance, so I can change my day's schedule accordingly.
  3. View Conversation
    Well, I've been neglecting Splatoon quite a bit, because of PSO2 and Neptunia... I really should play more online matches and level a bit u_u;

    And I see, haha. Well, I was just kinda worried I'd totally mess up and people be like "will this noob just leave already?" lol
    But if they weren't bothered by me, I'm relieved w

    lmao, that Irvine guy got me a couple of times, so I really wanted to take revenge on him

    But yeah, would be fun to play again
  4. View Conversation
    *joins as Lv 7*
    *sees everyone else is 40-50*


    They were probably all thinking, wtf is trash like that doing here lmao

    Was still fun, though. Even if I needed a couple matches to get into it again.
    And I killed you twice! Hah!
  5. Was that you who sent me a friend request on Wii U? Sorry if it was, I thought it may have been a random user that "you last played with".
  6. View Conversation
    Good, good. Minus the bone wrenching cold.
  7. View Conversation
    Pfft. I still got my nei claws first

    Hope you're doing awesome.
  8. View Conversation
    Isn't splatfest today, anyway?
    Well, looking forward to it either way!

    And happy new year to you (and Nina), too!
  9. View Conversation
    I was just on and saw you're playing Xenoblade w
    RengokuRei is my ID. I keep switching Miis around, so you'll probably see a different one every now and then. I have like two dozen Miis lol

    And yeah, I won't be able to play for the rest of today, but tomorrow maybe!
  10. View Conversation
    Sorry, only saw this message now.
    And what do you mean? I already have you added D:
    At the very least, you're shown on my friendslist.
  11. View Conversation
    Ah, okay. That was happening a lot, that someone just didn't do anything, so I was beginning to think people might just be leeching for exp, lol

    Alright, I'm Lv 4 or 5 now and figuring out what weapons to use.
    Is there any actual benefit to being Lv 50? Looking at the shops, it seems as though you only unlock weapons up to Lv 20 and after that nothing.

    Also, how exactly does this Splatfest thing work? I picked a team, but what now? Just log on and play at the specified time?
  12. View Conversation
    Yeah, I was in a game earlier where everyone was like Lv 1 to 10 range, but one guy was Lv 30+ in the other team, and we had one in ours who didn't do anything. Like, just stood there the whole time like a scarecrow. Needless to say, we got obliterated.

    I also just realized you apparently can't even level up in private games?
    Or I never got any exp there, because I lost every game against my friend, lol

    Either way, probably gonna spend some time tomorrow leveling up.
    What's the max level, anyway?

    And sure! This game really is kinda addicting...
  13. View Conversation
    Merry Christmas!

    Dunno if you saw it already, but I sent you a friend invite on Wii U.
    I've played a bit of Splatoon by now and it's a lot of fun.

    I totally suck at the game, though. Played with a friend and so far, I've been utterly crushed in every single match, lmao
  14. View Conversation
    You're Welcome.
  15. View Conversation
    Happy Birthday Ce'Nedra!
  16. View Conversation
    Yeah I have Skype! My ID is edgymavericks
    I'm an awkward penguin though when it comes to chats and messaging people, so I'm sorry in advance ;~;
  17. View Conversation
    Tales of Zestiria - The Shepherd's Burden (English Trailer) - YouTube

    First English trailer. No exact release date yet, but it says Fall 2015.
    Also, yay for dual audio!
  18. View Conversation
    Was just looking around for info on the alt costumes for the Majora's Mask DLC.
    Apparently, instead of a simple color swap, each character gets a mask, some of which look super creepy (Shiek gets a Kafei mask and Ruto... this... )

    Cia gets Majora's Mask...
    Haha, I so fucking want that. If only the game wasn't such a bitch to me.......
  19. View Conversation
    Well, I was hoping the Skull Kid costume would at least actually look like Skull Kid and less like a cosplay... I'm still hoping there will be similar options like with Cia, though. Like how you can have her wear mask + hat, only hat, or neither hat nor mask. But we'll see. The costume is cute as it is, but it's once again not what I was expecting, so I'm a little disappointed.

    And sure I knew this was gonna happen, but it's still... just ugh. I mean there are so many ways to make a game like this harder and challenging without it resulting in just having to grind 50 more levels in order to stand a chance >_>;
    At this point, I'll probably never boot the game up again, because I know it'll just be frustrating unless I grind not even one, but basically all the characters up to lv 200 or whatever the cap now is... and even then it'd be a pain to solo, so yeah... I'd love to keep playing, but there is no way for me to get any more fun out of this game now xD"

    But it's not like it really matters. The base game was fun like I said, the DLC just ruined it for me. But to be honest... if it wasn't for the Zelda theme, I would've never bothered with Hyrule Warriors to begin with.

    As I've said before, the BASARA games are like a million times better when it comes to gameplay, enemy AI and even story mode. I've been playing BASARA 4 now and even solo that game is so much fun and it just has so much more actual content. Today they even announced an expansion pack for it, which will get the playable characters up to 40 and add new stages and stuff (there'll even be collaboration costumes with the newest Tales of game, Zestiria *__*). It already has over 40 battlefields. How many does Hyrule Warriors have? Maybe 10 or something?

    I've already been playing the BASARA games before Hyrule Warriors even came out, so that's probably another fact why I'm disappointed. Because it feels so lacking in just about every aspect compared to BASARA 3 and 4.
    But I've never liked the Warriors games in general. They're not bad, but again... BASARA just does everything better.

    Anyway, as for the picture, I won't forget, but studying takes priority now and I also need to keep working on my visual novel, so... sorry u_u"
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About Ce'Nedra

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Date of Birth
December 16, 1989 (35)
About Ce'Nedra
The Netherlands
Anime and games
Player Info
PSO Characters:
Layela, Viridia HUnewearl (Level 40) - GameCube
Ce'Nedra, Oran HUnewearl (Level 162) - GameCube
Dt, Purplenum RAmarl (Level 140) - GameCube
Lars, Skyly HUmar (Level 200), Rank: Bu-EI - GameCube
Miasia, Redria HUnewearl (Level 135), - GameCube
Narissa, Greenill RAcaseal (Level 113) - GameCube
Type Y, Whitill HUcaseal (Level 103) - GameCube
kristen, Yellowboze FOnewearl (Level 113) - GameCube
Ritz, Pinkal FOmarl (Level 45) - GameCube
PSU Characters:
Ce'Nedra Female Newman Level 110 AF20/WT20/FiG12/FF4
Lars Male Human Level 21 FF1
Miasia Female Beast level 20 FiG2
Narissa Female Cast level 27 FiG4
PS Portable Characters:
Infinity: Ce'Nedra 155 VA30/HU21/RA4/FO5


Celestial Manager~
Quote Originally Posted by isCasted View Post
Welcome to PSO2, a game which tells you to fuck off on regular basis. Have fun!
Quote Originally Posted by Rupikachu View Post
He just copypasted the log, which is mostly SOHO talking, and then for the remaining pages he just went to psow and copied the ep4 thread salt.


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Player Info
PSO Characters:
Layela, Viridia HUnewearl (Level 40) - GameCube
Ce'Nedra, Oran HUnewearl (Level 162) - GameCube
Dt, Purplenum RAmarl (Level 140) - GameCube
Lars, Skyly HUmar (Level 200), Rank: Bu-EI - GameCube
Miasia, Redria HUnewearl (Level 135), - GameCube
Narissa, Greenill RAcaseal (Level 113) - GameCube
Type Y, Whitill HUcaseal (Level 103) - GameCube
kristen, Yellowboze FOnewearl (Level 113) - GameCube
Ritz, Pinkal FOmarl (Level 45) - GameCube
PSU Characters:
Ce'Nedra Female Newman Level 110 AF20/WT20/FiG12/FF4
Lars Male Human Level 21 FF1
Miasia Female Beast level 20 FiG2
Narissa Female Cast level 27 FiG4
PS Portable Characters:
Infinity: Ce'Nedra 155 VA30/HU21/RA4/FO5
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