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  1. View Conversation
    Sounds awesome
  2. View Conversation
    Good. Life is treating me well. been mainly on my PS3 when I have the time. Haven't played PSO2 since my PC can't handle it and it doesn't look like it'll be coming to consoles soon (aside from Vita which I don't have).
  3. View Conversation
    Hey, not bad thanks. Playing JP PSO2 at the minute and will probably stay there with a western release looking less and less likely. Hope things are well anyway!
  4. View Conversation
    I am well.
  5. View Conversation
    Happy birthday!
  6. View Conversation
    Happy birthday shiro
  7. View Conversation
    Happy birthday!
  8. View Conversation
    Indeed it's been a LONG time, but I haven't forgotten about you at all! I had no idea any of those guys would play over there in Korea, that's pretty rad. I'm glad to hear things are going well for you, things aren't that bad over here.
  9. View Conversation
    Hey are you still around? If so, let me know ASAP. Thanks.
  10. View Conversation
    your name just popped up. and just wanted to say hello. seems like recent that i said hello but its not. lol. how are you? how have you been? Still playing PSU? maybe not. i can tell by the last time with you log in.
  11. View Conversation
    Oh my.... very good art
  12. I heard all about it from DJ, I might be coming along since it costs approximately $0.00, so yeah. I heard about it and yeah, definitely quite sad to see it go. I did say that I quit MMOs, but in this case, it's free, so yeah.
  13. View Conversation
    Hey there, how're things going?

    So PSU is finally on its final legs. Like I always said I would, I made my comeback to witness these last 2 months. While its sad to see this game go, it was a long time coming. With this I finally hang my PSU hat, no JP PSU for me, I just can't invest time or money in it, and I've lost interest in it.

    Dunno if you'll be coming back for the last days yourself since you quit MMOs entirely(Go You!) , if you do I hope to see you around. I look forward for the next online PS installment(US PSP2, or next gen console version) and if they're online, then I hope to maybe see you there one day.
  14. It was nice. The first two shows I went to were power metal bands from Osaka (Onmyouza and Galneryus, if you're into Power metal, great bands) while the 3rd one I went to was with a few thrash metal bands, all totally awesome. It felt funny being the only guy there who didn't look like everyone else, but still awesome. I even caught a drum lid with the band member's autographs when they drew it to the crowd, which was pretty awesome.
  15. View Conversation
    Recently I went to Summer Slaughter (Origin, Necrophagist, Beneath the Massacre, etc) and Tuesday I'm going to the Mayhem Fest (Slayer, Marilyn Manson, Behemoth, Black Dahlia Murder, Cannibal Corpse). Going to a Japanese metal show must be pretty fun I can imagine, how was that?
  16. View Conversation
    It has indeed been a while, PSU has been treating me pretty well actually. I fully support your decision to quit MMOs. They are a horrible genre of gaming which sucks money and time out of you for trickled content, and the games will always be incomplete imo. There are few reasons why I still play them, but one of the main ones are real life friends and the online community. Go out there and enjoy other more challenging, complete, and fun games!
  17. View Conversation
    deng.. I guess the day i didnt log on pso-world i missed the day to say happy birthday...

    well happy beliated long birthday...
  18. View Conversation
    Happy Birthday!!!
  19. View Conversation
    Happy Birthday Shiro!
  20. View Conversation
    Happy Birthday!
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About Shiro_Ryuu

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Date of Birth
May 31, 1986 (38)
About Shiro_Ryuu
Anime, heavy metal, martial arts, Japanese culture and history, learning of other cultures
Player Info
PSU Characters:
Shiro Ryuu, Human Male (Level 130), AF 20 - PC/PS2, Online
Therion, Newman Female (Level 130), WT 20 - PC/PS2, Online
Oukiba, Beast Male (Level 130), FF 20 - PC/PS2, Online


Street Fighter IV: Chun Li, Ryu
King of Fighters XII: Terry, Kim, Kyo
BlazBlue: Litchi, Noel


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PSU Characters:
Shiro Ryuu, Human Male (Level 130), AF 20 - PC/PS2, Online
Therion, Newman Female (Level 130), WT 20 - PC/PS2, Online
Oukiba, Beast Male (Level 130), FF 20 - PC/PS2, Online
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