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24 Visitor Messages

  1. True and fair enough.
  2. Now the servers are down--it's too late!
  3. View Conversation
    Sweet pics
  4. Maybe... >>
  5. View Conversation
    You look like Ethan. Haha, great stuff.
  6. Currently on missionary work until further notice.
    (Don't expect activity until April of 2010 at least if not longer)
  7. Currently not on PSU due to monetary issues and lack of interest, will return for the next tow events only.

    Say hi to me if you can D:
  8. View Conversation
    Wait, what?
  9. View Conversation
    O_o!? Eh!
  10. My demands are as follows:

    1. The VCC is to throw me a goodbye party and possible honorary memborship
    2. To be in one of Deja's freaking awesome videos in an kick-ass epic scene 2x
    3. To run with anyone still on PSU who I have not run with from PSOW who wants to run with me at least once
    4. At least one mod from PSOW must be in the party the VCC puts on, just for kicks
    5. More Max Fan Art done by fan works
    6. A made in PSU and screen captured for me
    7. Karen

    This is my list of things to do *cough*before I leave PSU*cough* die.

    That is all

    PS I will still be on PSOW, not as often but definately for the fan works.

    for reference:
  11. My ISP have disconnected almost every night at about midnight for almost six years.
  12. You're not gonna be on, either? T_T
  13. View Conversation
    Heyo! How's it going?
  14. Just thought I'd put a post here, it looks like due to life circumstances I won't be able to play the game for a good while again, possibly a month or longer.
  15. I see you came in my room yesterday... I hope nothing's missing. >_o
  16. View Conversation
    I wanted to just say "Yar!", but apparently it wasn't long enough.


    Also, yar!
  17. View Conversation
    Hey there, MaximusLight.
  18. I gave up trying to organsize my contacts, you're all my friends now congrads X_x
  19. I should so be #1. ;o
  20. I just did a Partner card clean up so here's the low-down:

    #1: You belong to a the Crimson Scars or I contact you first before everyone else to do runs with (like three people and some NPC's right now, basically the regulars)

    #2: I just did a card clean up, u still play & I enjoy runs with u, please invite me in the future (just letting u know)

    #3: I just did a card clean up & I'm not sure if u sitll play please let me know so I can move you to #2

    #4: you are a NPC partner card I never use and I laugh at you

    #5: I just added you to my list

    That is all
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About MaximusLight

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About MaximusLight
Like I'm telling anyone my real info, hahaha!
Player Info
PSO Characters:
MaximusLight, PURPLENUM HUmar (Level 25) - GameCube
PSU Characters:
MaximusLight, Human Male (Level 120)
HU 10/RA 10/FO 10
FF 15
FI 20/GT 15/WT 15
AT 15
- PC/PS2, Online

I have my own running joke on PSU my character looks like Ethan Waber (designed years before the game)



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Jun 12, 2011 02:29 AM
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Apr 2, 2016 03:48 PM
Join Date
Jul 16, 2006
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Player Info
PSO Characters:
MaximusLight, PURPLENUM HUmar (Level 25) - GameCube
PSU Characters:
MaximusLight, Human Male (Level 120)
HU 10/RA 10/FO 10
FF 15
FI 20/GT 15/WT 15
AT 15
- PC/PS2, Online

I have my own running joke on PSU my character looks like Ethan Waber (designed years before the game)

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Minutes... wow, that's like months in our time lol.

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