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82 Visitor Messages

  1. View Conversation
    Oh what?! you still go online?
  2. View Conversation
    Hey bro, just stopping by to leave you a little message. I was just wondering if you still play PSZ and I was wondering if you'd like to join for a game or something. Be seeing you!
  3. View Conversation
    alright cool. if you cant make it. its all good.
    Priors 1st
  4. View Conversation
    did you get my message?
  5. View Conversation
    I still am doing th project but im short on Programmers aside from that though Ive been working on a few other projects where i do have the required tools and team members to help me work on some games, i recently reviewed the MMBN song you made a while back and i have to say its still pretty damn catchy since the day i heard it... ive decided to go take matters in my own hands and learnt he engine my Team member wrote and the show must go on, Im on skype almost all the time, i havent seen you on in a while, listen if your still looking around to practice on your Sound composing i have alot of jobs to offer right now, more details if you'd like, and its not just fan games its original games and such so you can be as creative as you want and express your freedom
  6. View Conversation
    Hey man... i have another job up for u if your up to it... I am now able to continue my MMX fangame and this time im not limiting u to GBA sounds you can create something original too im not gonna ask you to copy the old songs if your up to it just send me a message on skype
  7. View Conversation
    So i have a really dumb question, I'm new to psow and am having a difficult time navigating, how do I join a group or make a post?
  8. View Conversation
    I actually ripped some more samples out from different other games and i have them all as wav files, if you would like it, i'll send it to you Via skype, working on a new original game and if we ever get another pixel artist we can start on 2 original games, aside from that the Team has grown and is still growing, planning to finish up alot of projects
  9. View Conversation
    You've been gone from the team for a while :P you still alive ^_^?
  10. Moving in next to you.
    Stealing all the 'maters and sweet chocolate peppers from your garden.
    Sorry, but it has to be done.
    I know you'll understand.

  11. View Conversation
    Yeah, I was able to walk around the lobbies a bit. I could only get though maybe 5 min of combat before my computer freaked out and I got booted off. The slide dodge was cool to see and I did manage to perform the charge and run from what parts of the tutorial I could do.
    How are you handling the Japanese only interface? I've been in Japan for 4 weeks now learning the language and I couldn't really read any of it still.
  12. View Conversation
    I was on for a bit, but my display drivers don't like the game. Apparently, I don't have enough ram. T_T
    we should definitely party it up when I get this fixed.
  13. View Conversation
    What's your character name for the pre-open beta?
  14. View Conversation
    sent you a friends request so be sure to answer soon ^_^ i have some jobs for you already, that is if YOU are ready.
  15. You can contact me through email at [email protected]. On Skype, I'm known as Foiden.
  16. View Conversation
    yo... itz zero talking about the game. The MMBN is for the GBA , i'm not a sound composer so im new to your terms haha how about i send you some soundtracks so you can get the feeling of how it is. Do you have a Skype or an Email i can contact you through?

    here are some songs to show you the style of MMBN songs

    MMBN6-two of braves
    Megaman Battle Network 6 theme-Two of Braves - YouTube

    MMBN3-Secret Area
    megaman battle network 3 secret area - YouTube

    MMBN3-Hero Theme
    megaman Battle Network 3 Navi Battles music theme - YouTube

    MMBN4-boss battle theme
    Megaman Battle Network 4 boss music - YouTube

    MMBN6-Central town theme
    Megaman Battle Network 6-Central Town - YouTube
  17. View Conversation
    oh man youre awesome. well i am making a short video called Flesh Freak which is about a bum who gets transformed into a crocodile man. its going to be a horror comedy. its my first big project in a long time. so i dont expect it to be great or noteworthy. and yeah i was kind of wondering if i could bother you for a a creepy theme maybe one with lyrics. but thats a bit much to ask i understand. but maybe if you had some musical ideas for us? that would be awesome. but if you cant do it ill fully understand.
  18. View Conversation
    hey there dude? how are you ? whats new? hows life? are you busy ?
  19. View Conversation
    My return to PSP2 my be postponed, FFIV:CC is being released on PSN tonight.

    I shouldn't be so excited to play through this game for the umpteenth time, but I am.
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About Akaimizu

Basic Information

About Akaimizu
Xbox Live Gamertag:
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Player Info
PSO Characters:
Fioshani (Ramarl) PSOBB

Eric Windhaven (Fomar) PSO2
PSU Characters:
Tynselle Nbareh: Performer and Sharpshooter Extraordinaire of the Nbareh 6 Square Circus. (Ranger 10, Force 7, Guntecher 20, Acrotecher 15, Fortegunner 10). /\ Birthday: December 21.
Mufonna Tigre: The Mild Gentle Beast (Hunter 10, ForteFighter 5) /\ Birthday: April 12.
360 Picture taker. Visit my updated PSU website:
PS Portable Characters:
Tynselle Nbareh: Performer and Sharpshooter Extraordinaire of the Nbareh 6 Square Circus. (Gunmaster 8). /\ Birthday: December 21.
PS Zero Characters:
Lord Ferro (Fomar) - Wearing the red Top-hat and cloak.
PS Zero Friend Code:
0818 3842 4440


PSO2 Character information:

Eric Windhaven (Fomar) Ship 02.


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Most Recent Message
Aug 16, 2015 08:15 PM
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Jun 7, 2024 12:45 PM
Join Date
Oct 6, 2006

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  1. Adriano Adriano is offline

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    The Lone Hunter

  7. kirtblue kirtblue is offline

    inked geek

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    Pretty eyes!

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Player Info
PSO Characters:
Fioshani (Ramarl) PSOBB

Eric Windhaven (Fomar) PSO2
PSU Characters:
Tynselle Nbareh: Performer and Sharpshooter Extraordinaire of the Nbareh 6 Square Circus. (Ranger 10, Force 7, Guntecher 20, Acrotecher 15, Fortegunner 10). /\ Birthday: December 21.
Mufonna Tigre: The Mild Gentle Beast (Hunter 10, ForteFighter 5) /\ Birthday: April 12.
360 Picture taker. Visit my updated PSU website:
PS Portable Characters:
Tynselle Nbareh: Performer and Sharpshooter Extraordinaire of the Nbareh 6 Square Circus. (Gunmaster 8). /\ Birthday: December 21.
PS Zero Characters:
Lord Ferro (Fomar) - Wearing the red Top-hat and cloak.
PS Zero Friend Code:
0818 3842 4440
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