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  1. View Conversation
    Happy birthday Zeal!
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    That is all. :V
  4. View Conversation
    It will indeed. Guaranteed. *rhyme not intended but still awesome*
  5. View Conversation
    What, no post to me in over 8 months? See what YOU get for Christmas, mister.
  6. That sucks, gonna celebrate later? Xp
  7. View Conversation
    Thanks....I think.
  8. How was ur bday? Everything went as planned? >:3
  9. View Conversation
    Yes, you're 21. I dunno what the legal age is in Canada, though.

    Things could be a lot better for me, but thanks for the well-wishes.
  10. Np lol, enjoy ur bday week, I had a good day for the most part yesterday XD thanks
  11. Happy birthday!
  12. View Conversation
    Have a great birthday Zeal!
  13. View Conversation
    Happy Birthday, Zeal!

  14. View Conversation
    happy bday zeal
  15. View Conversation
    My promise, I leave here as proof that it exists.

    I promise, to be true to myself, to be true to you, to be true to all I love, to be true. I promise, that as long as I live, I will love you, as I have, and as I will grow. I promise, that while I will change, I'll control that change. I promise to be someone you can be proud of, to love and be loved in return. I promise, to be faithful to you alone, and to keep my heart free from the chaos of uncertainty. I promise, that I will be there when you need me, even if I cannot be there right away. I promise, to forever love life as I love you, to keep on living should the worst befall. I promise, that out of all in life that may change, my dedication to this promise will never waver. I promise to allow myself credit for what is due, rather than shun what work i've done. I promise, that no matter what others think of us, I will place us first, and others second, but will remain considerate of their ideas and rights. This I promise, and this promise I will keep until and after I die.
  16. View Conversation
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    Because I know everything about you... /evil voice
  18. View Conversation
    If you show up here, won't be here most of the day, so talk to me via email, kay?
  19. Hello SGS members. Im sending this Reminder out to everyone in the group. We are going to start a slightly more active approach to the group. Not quite as intense as The revival was but it's time to clean out inactive members and start rebuilding The Secret Gaming Society. We are going to start Having events at least 1 per month ran by me and any other events maybe added by members to play a game online that they may have. If you have a favorite game that you like to play setup a play day to play with group members by posting in the shoutbox a date, time and the game. If your interested in playing a game thats in the news be sure to let everyone know so you can get added to the que for that game. For a few of us Phantasy Star Zero is off the table....However Never say never we just might surprise you and join your Phantasy Star Zero Play day should you set one up. There are so many wonderful games to play online for Nintendo DS, PSP, Wii, Xbox 360 and Playstation 3. Feel free to setup a play date for any of those systems. Im sure most of us will try PSO2 when it comes out especially since sega is planning to release it on so many platforms. While we wait lets have some fun Chat a little bit, play a little bit and do a little storytelling. So with that If you have been inactive for quite a while and want to stay in The Secret Gaming Society Please drop by the message Board and just say hello or let us know what ya been up too. If we dont hear from you by 4-17-12 I will assume you have no interest in remaining in SGS and will remove you from the group. Thanks much everyone and keep on gaming. This Letter is going to be sent to each Member of SGS
  20. D:

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About Zeal

Basic Information

Date of Birth
September 14, 1991 (33)
About Zeal
Shy, random, serious, funny, weird, withdrawn. ... That's more-or-less me in a nut-shell, I think.
In the clouds
Singing, Writing, just having fun with pals.
Student, Stockboy
Playstation Network ID:
Player Info
PSU Characters:
Lv. 101 Alec /Male/Human/WT 20
PS Zero Characters:
Alec- HUmar lvl 63
Zeal- HUnewm lvl 46
Edalt- FOmar lvl 28
PS Zero Friend Code:
3996 7231 7369


And now for something, completely different. Which is, more or less, basically the same.


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Sep 13, 2013 08:35 PM
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May 9, 2017 02:44 AM
Join Date
Oct 9, 2006

10 Friends

  1. Arrow Arrow is offline

    Nuff' Said

  2. Bomber The Cosmonaut Bomber The Cosmonaut is offline

    King of The Crazies

    Bomber The Cosmonaut
  3. DoctorQuark DoctorQuark is offline

    Weary Traveler

  4. Enforcer MKV Enforcer MKV is offline

    "Of their own accord"

    Enforcer MKV
  5. GRIMMM GRIMMM is offline

    The Reaper

  6. NeonaPulsar NeonaPulsar is offline

    Reality Walker

  7. Reksanden Reksanden is offline


  8. Seth Astra Seth Astra is offline

    Legendary One

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  9. Wayu Wayu is offline

    Trueblade 剣聖

  10. yoshiblue yoshiblue is offline

    Space Hobobo Bo Bobo

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Player Info
PSU Characters:
Lv. 101 Alec /Male/Human/WT 20
PS Zero Characters:
Alec- HUmar lvl 63
Zeal- HUnewm lvl 46
Edalt- FOmar lvl 28
PS Zero Friend Code:
3996 7231 7369
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