Happy birthday, old guy!
Happy Birthday!! =D
For today Yesterday x2 was our, http://www.pso-world.com/forums/showthread.php?p=2505856#post2505856 Moo2u dead? After that great a speech? Never that, never ever; - This world or theirs. All nations united under 1 morse code. Simply 'n, which too is probably a morse code. *stares & studies intently* to the ;o -- -
Happy Holidays!! =D
Poor Hrigg, came back to a no Moo2u PSOW. http://www.pso-world.com/forums/showthread.php?t=170435 FACT!
happy couple hours early birthday moo. where you at??
Needs more Moo. =/
Wonder where Moo went?
(: If only they let me have one more space it would be Funkatron, or Funkitron. Just one more character space!
I know it's late, but you too!
And a merry boxing day to all! (Hanukkah zombie included)
Merry Christmas.
Yes. Yes it is. (Actually the best gift I got was this giant box of mint chocolate Frangos. MMMMMMMM.)
Happy easter! oh, wait i mean Merry Christmas!
And a happy moo year!
a mo.ory xmas 2 u 2 ;3
Aren't you a festive one? Well, I'd just like to tell you that I don't appreciate you getting your awesomeness all over my profile. Now my image is entirely ruined. Happy hollydays.
And a very moory Christmas to you as well, oh awesome one!
A Merry Christmas to you too, Moo.
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