Omi! Have you heard of a new gaming chat program called Discord?
I'm doing great and glad to hear your doing good!
Hey Omi, How are you doing?
Ok i found ur Albums holy shiit your cast is HOTT!!! ON FIRE HOT DAYUM!
And yeah i havent seen any pics of omi san send me lots to browse lol i promise ill look at them! i did recently make a new email so i could get on pso2 again and i signed on at lvl 2 two weeks ago but havent been on since )= but i must admit id love to get those tales of zestiria outfits lol maybe ill try to make wild and rare appearance on pso2 tho ffxiv has consumed me like psu did so idk if i could play pso2 real hardcore again )= if u ever wanna get my attention just shoot me mail on youtube/skype/hotmail or here (tho i do forget to come here as often as i should.)
hey dude yeah my character in that picture is a new race coming out in june 19th called Au'ra i am playing as Mi'qote (cat girl) at the moment (here is what i look like currently ) but aura are more beast like with scales going down their bodies and pointy ears and scaley Tails my full character name is "Jess Victorix" in ffxiv arr they get you to have first and second names lol as for me ive been trying to play hardcore in ffxiv when i can my main struggle is finding steady and good group that also works for raiding around 6-7pmest starting time ive atleast cleared all content in ffxiv till the expansion comes out in june in which i am supposed to be hitting the expansion hard with group i just joined to push for World First clears it so happens to be im in top 10% of players can play monk and dragoon too a very high skill level funny how they are both melee ..... it must be my calling in mmo's lol
My Character on ff14 arr
Omi!!!! hi
I got everything in working order thanks for the help.
Ah no worries its no big deal and yes the person drew it from a screenshot I provided.
Its my pso2 character
Probably the best $30 I spent the day of this post.
Wow, took you long enough! :P
Hello there, Omi.
Just a heads up if I happen to come and seem screwy its probably some guy who "borrowing" my robot angel account to harass a friend of mines.
Ps another reason I use LAs alot is because I don't like my character/s to be so stiff and stale, gotta make her/him just as lively and animated and pleasant lol
Likewise Omi and we should meet often last night was pretty fun and looking forward to future meetings.
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