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    Lacen disappeared
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    Yo! What's up?
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    Hello Lacen
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    hello mate, i am taking a break from a game for a while, probably will come back in october-november.
    good thing - im playing Morrowind again !
  5. View Conversation
    haha I'm glad you like it :3... I used Adobe Illustrator with the Pen Tool and just making shapes all over my workspace lol, those animated stuff I did when I was new to After Effects but now I make better animations, I wanted to animate your character but i have not time to do it now but maybe someday i'll finish it, idk about you but I'm in Ship 1 D: I will send you a mp later with some of my poses but is not that awesome as yours xD
  6. View Conversation
    Hell yeah! YTB friends!
  7. Thanks for the Happy Birthday wishes. =]
  8. Happy birthday shoe laces.
  9. View Conversation
    Happy birthday to you!
  10. View Conversation
    Yes! Happy birthday PSU Lacen!! Have a great wonderful out ragously birthday!!!
  11. View Conversation
    uh oh. your bday is in one month!
  12. View Conversation
    Hihi! :3
  13. Fucking Lacen
  14. View Conversation
    My computer will not let me promptly play PSO2 for some reason. I stated this awhile back in the team forums... but hey, like anyone really keeps track of the stuff minors like me say. I think it's something with my HDD, I have yet to actually fix it. I do think I know the real solution to the problem, it's just I haven't had the proper time to actually "fix" it. But I really miss talking with the team in-game, and I find you messaging me warms the heart a bit too, because I haven't really had contact with anyone in-game since. I hope your adventures on PSO2 have been splendid, Lacen, and I thanks for saying something. Makes me feel like I wasn't a total outcast.
  15. View Conversation
    Hey, I forget which Island you're on. (O'ahu, yeah?) Anyway, pretty sure you know about the Tsunami warning. If it's anything like the last one we had, it won't be too bad. But stay safe anyways!
  16. View Conversation
    got a question, how do you report hackers? found one or two in thundra. i can show you a pic if you want. if..i know how to post em up.
  17. View Conversation
    Hey, what's up?
  18. View Conversation
    1. As much as i'd like to play, i got a bit of HW i need to get out of the way first.
    2. I can let you know through PSOW when Anna can play again. ATM she is waiting on her computer to get sent back to her.
    3. I like the sound of a Team room. Are you the new Guild leader?
    4. No worries about the guild thing.
  19. View Conversation
    Hiya Lacen. Its good to hear from you. Anna and I wondered what happened with the guild. Your still on our friends list and are always welcome to join our parties if you find us.
  20. Np np anytime. Do you think you will play on the update day?

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About Lacen

Basic Information

Date of Birth
June 9, 1987 (37)
About Lacen
Old School PSO/PSU Player. Lost my info for my Original PSOW Account... -_-"
Stuff =P If you wanna know then ask
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Player Info
PSO Characters:
PSO2 - Lacen (Not Born Yet) =P

PSO (XB) - Lacen (FOmar) Lv. 120 something? o.0; Totally forget.

PSO (DC) - Lacen Lv. ?? Don't know. I never did get to play PSO Online due to not having internet (Dial-up) back then and being too young to get my own stuff! >.<;

PSO (GC) - Lacer Lv. 40 (HUmar) - Didn't get to play this one much due to someone borrowing (stealing) my copy... =.=;;; Neva like return...
PSU Characters:
PSU (PC/PS2) EN - Lacen Lv. 170 (Deceased/Dead Server) I had different classes maxed out but I can't remember what exactly... Been far too long. T.T;

PSU (XB360) - Lacen Lv. 90 (Retired)

PSU (PC/PS2) JP - Lacen Lv. 20 (n00b status)
PS Portable Characters:
PSP2i Lacen - Lv. 200 (Human) - Hunter Lv. 50
PS Zero Characters:
PS0/PSZ (DS) - Lacen Lv. 35 - Didn't get to play this one too much... >.<;


PS:P2i (JP) - Lacen - Male - Human - Lv. 200 - Hunter Lv. 50
PC/PS2 PSU - Lacen Lv. 170 (deceased)


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Oct 27, 2013 05:22 PM
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Feb 19, 2009
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Player Info
PSO Characters:
PSO2 - Lacen (Not Born Yet) =P

PSO (XB) - Lacen (FOmar) Lv. 120 something? o.0; Totally forget.

PSO (DC) - Lacen Lv. ?? Don't know. I never did get to play PSO Online due to not having internet (Dial-up) back then and being too young to get my own stuff! >.<;

PSO (GC) - Lacer Lv. 40 (HUmar) - Didn't get to play this one much due to someone borrowing (stealing) my copy... =.=;;; Neva like return...
PSU Characters:
PSU (PC/PS2) EN - Lacen Lv. 170 (Deceased/Dead Server) I had different classes maxed out but I can't remember what exactly... Been far too long. T.T;

PSU (XB360) - Lacen Lv. 90 (Retired)

PSU (PC/PS2) JP - Lacen Lv. 20 (n00b status)
PS Portable Characters:
PSP2i Lacen - Lv. 200 (Human) - Hunter Lv. 50
PS Zero Characters:
PS0/PSZ (DS) - Lacen Lv. 35 - Didn't get to play this one too much... >.<;
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