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  1. View Conversation
    sup hey play now phantasy star online blue burst server is here

    Have Fun xD
  2. View Conversation
    Coolio's yeah can understand some films are boring especially the ones that are like ooh will this get any better then all of a sudden the films over n ur like "is that it? D:"
  3. View Conversation
    Ah, sorry I didn't reply to the previous message. It slipped my mind.

    I have a lot of stuff to handle pretty soon, but starting next year, I should be able to take things a bit easier. I'll only need 3 classes to finish my degrees, and then I'm finished.

    So when are you going to Siberia?
  4. View Conversation
    Mmm movies, i like comedys and action films, i like the one with martial arts in ;o Jet Li films, other than that i am still pretty easy going, can watch anything. . . even chick flicks ._. what about you?
  5. View Conversation
    Baia? Is that part of Europe? I've never heard of a Baia, Alabama. But if there's lots of clubs, then I'm sure it's a pretty popular place. I thought you were in Alabama, but I really have no way of knowing.

    I suppose you'd have to let your parents know I'm staying over beforehand, if that's what you'd really be planning to do. The last thing I want is for someone to walk into their living room in the morning and find me asleep (or hungover) on their couch, and not know who I am, lol. Especially if I'm hungover, and they start screaming. If she cooks a good breakfast, then I suppose I might stay, if they let me after I've been screamed at. My mom almost never cooks, except at Thanksgiving (later this month). It's a shame, since she's really not bad at it. She just says that nobody likes her cooking so that she doesn't have to.

    Thanksgiving is a unique American holiday where we all overeat. However, since we have some friends of the family who overeat all the time (at least when they are at my house), we haven't had much for leftovers these past few years.
  6. View Conversation
    im easy goin with music, anythin with a beat to it is good for me
  7. View Conversation
    Oh, neat. Well, thanks then for your offer. :3

    I've never had vodka before. I had champagne once on New Years, and that's about it. I'm below legal drinking age in the US, so I can't go out and buy any. Friends have been planning a drinking party for me when I hit the age for months, though.

    I'm not big on clubbing, but I do go out. Despite being busy all the time, I make myself go out because the pressure from school will make me into something like a zombie if I don't. It's happened before and was quite unpleasant.
  8. View Conversation
    yeah i know what u mean lol i love gettin drunk, goin to parties etc. what music do u like
  9. View Conversation
    if you say so (not fooling me) . dont gotta hide the real you from the psu world you are a pretty girl you shouldnt have anything to hide
  10. View Conversation
    Its crazy ;o but my favorite drink is russian. (vodka).. im abit of an outgoer but sometimes i find myself sober and messin bout on the computer. i met my fiance over the net. so its all good fun. im not sure i made sense im quite drunk ;o.
  11. View Conversation
    Ah, well, I'm religious, but I don't go to church or anything. I feel kinda bad for doing so, but everyone has their own beliefs. I don't think I absolutely have to do something like that to prove my devotion. That kind of thing is really for show to other people if you're being forced into it, right? But if you want to go, then by all means.
    What kind of church is the most prominent in Russia? And what kind do you go to?

    Eh, well, whether or not I go with you to Russia depends on how much you're going to be charging me as a tour guide...

    Languages... I'm fluent in English!
    And I've studied Japanese language formally for 2 years. Overall, a little less than 4. I really should take it more seriously, or I'll never get fluent. I like importing goods, so I have books I can't even read.
  12. View Conversation
    Cool, nice to meet you Rose, I am from the UK. what bout u?
  13. View Conversation
    Ohyeah, probably. I don't have the best sense of direction. Whenever I go to a new place, I actually force myself to get lost so that I'll know how to find my way around it again later. That won't really work well in another country, where I don't know the language, though.
  14. View Conversation
    Robs my name dont think we know each other, i just got a friend request from you the other day, i hadnt been on here for months tho lol, only jus started coming back on it. but yes, main reason im back on here to keep up to date with the phantasy star zero thing and hopefully play it with a few people from this site.
  15. View Conversation
    Herro! thanks for the add you gonna be playin PS zero when it finally becomes engrish?
  16. View Conversation
    I'll definitely need a tour if I go to Russia. I can't understand Slavic languages in the slightest. I had a crazy dream as a child of learning every language on earth, which degenerated into every language on a continent, which has just gone to now seeking to be bilingual, at least.

    Oh, well, I haven't seen much of this country, and I live on the east coast, so I'd like to see the west coast. As an anime/video game fan, of course I'd like to visit Japan for a few weeks. I've wanted to visit England for some time now, and I'd like to see Spain, since I have a friend who used to live in the US and emigrated there. Spanish is taught in most US high schools, but I've forgotten at least 99.9% of it, lol.
  17. View Conversation
    Oh, I've been to some interesting cities, but I've moved around and been from here to there enough times that I don't really have any one place that I call my true home. But cities with a nice and strong culture and that feel alive, I figure are close to what you describe. Aside from the snow falling, and all.

    As for where I've been... well... just places in the US. I was supposed to go visit England last year or something, but my passport application got lost by the State Dept., so I ended up getting screwed over. But I plan on reapplying, so I can go in 2010.
  18. View Conversation
    Ooh, so you're into Gundam? ;o Very nice. I'm really a prick when it comes to discussing Gundam series, since I don't really like anything outside of Universal Century. Well, that's not totally fair, since Gundam 00 is really good too, but it's still not UC, so it automatically has a penalty against its score. My favorite is 08th MS Team, followed up by 0080 and 0083. Which series do you like?

    lol, I'm not a gentleman AT ALL. But thank you for the compliment.

    Russian by birth? I've met people that have been to Russia, but nobody who's actually from there. So you're living in Alabama, been to Montana and are actually from Russia... you've seen some great things, then. Out of curiosity, do you like living in the US or Russia more? And what about Siberia do you miss the most, aside from family of course.
  19. View Conversation
    Ohyeah, Battle Moon Wars is really just a TYPE-MOON version of Super Robot Wars, which has Gundam in it. So if you're into Gundam, you could look into giving those games a try, but I don't know which ones have English patches.

    Ah, good that you thought I was around your age. Well, that is... if I am. If I'm not, then that's sorta... misleading. But you never ask a lady her age, that action invites storms.

    Oh, you like all kinds of weather? Does it snow often where you live? Back when I lived in GA, it didn't snow much, but I do remember a time when I was little and it did. It was hard getting from place to place, but I was a child and was all enchanted with it, lol.

    33, eh? ;o That's... different. I mean, I don't know why someone would say they're 19, but I suppose everyone has their reasons.

    Books? I actually tend to drift toward nonfiction and satire. I used to read a lot of fiction and picture books, but that slowly stopped the more I got into schoolwork. Now I read almost none of that. Exceptions include things like manga comics and comic collections, like the Library Editions of Hellboy (I decided to start collecting them on a whim). And then there's Harry Potter, of course, which is an ok series in its own right, but a friend of mine and I always get into fits whenever we discuss it, because as the series closes, we just start to hate it intensely!
    Well, an example of the kinds of books I read would be that in summer 2008, I got caught up in a frenzy of reading about Mormonism, and in particular, the FLDS. They were the group that had that big scene in Texas a couple years ago where federal police raided their compound and took their children out, and there was an arrest warrant for their leader, who was marrying off minors and things like that. So I was really into reading about that, and I enrolled in a class that studies political violence, and I ended up doing a term paper comparing the FLDS to Middle Eastern terrorist groups. After some edits, my professor actually encouraged me to get it published, but I decided against it, since I have my whole life to say things that people will want to kill me for~

    So, we've gone over music, books, and so the next logical choice is TV and movies. Do you watch them much, and if so, what do you like?
  20. View Conversation
    Well, I suppose it's sort of interesting to think about how curiosity killed the cat, because then that would take some curiosity of our own to find out about it. Deeeaaaaaath~

    Well, I haven't played Yugioh much because of the price, but as for videogames, I've been playing this tactical RPG I downloaded called Battle Moon Wars. I've mostly been playing it while I eat or something. I can't play it much now, since it's midterm time, and I'm on the last stage, which is so hard it's borderline impossible. But I'm sure I'll get it sometime.

    Oh, as for what kind of music I listen to, my tastes are odd. I know next to nothing about most popular bands or anything like that. It's mostly just soundtracks to anime and video games I like. My favorite composer is Keiko Matsui, who's a jazz pianist. She and a few other artists are pretty much the exceptions to the rule.

    Oh, I don't live anywhere near a beach, but I'd like to. I really don't like cold weather, and most beaches are in hot weather places, right?

    Oh, well of course I'm not that old. I don't think a lot of people on this site are past the age of 30. But I'm probably wrong, considering how old PSO is. How old did you think I was?

    I'm thinking of going to graduate school for Psychology. When midterms end, I'll get to work on the applications. I want them out before the end of the month. Right now, I'm a double major for Philosophy and Political Science.

    So what about you? ;o
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blonde hair and beautiful
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birmingham southern college
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Lauren Stewart
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I've played the game for almost a 2 years. . . .
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My characters name is kemna she is a level 120 masterforce, female newman.
Syanthe level 60 acrofighter female beast.
Vanilla level 50 fortegunner female cast.
Heartbroken level 20 fortefighter female human.
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