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  1. View Conversation
    How are ya today mate? p:
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    Hello mate c':
  3. View Conversation
    Happy Birthday, miss.
  4. Happy Birthday~
  5. View Conversation
    Happy birthday!
  6. View Conversation
    Happy birthday lk
  7. View Conversation
    Can you get on psp2 right now?
  8. View Conversation
    Sorry I haven't been on Skype. I need to install it on my new phone but it's not doing it. Probably network problems with my settings.
  9. View Conversation
    I rarely use those anymore and I'm starting to switch from rifles to twin handguns. I liked using all types except for force. I've never got to play the older ones. Just the PSU related versions.

    Nope. Never played that one. I'm weird about my PSP game selections.
  10. View Conversation
    I also love to use a lot of weapons. I usually have around 38-43 items in my inventory. I started getting used to acromaster and protranser in the old game. I love long swords a lot. Most people don't though.

    Haha. Guess he does lol. Thats cool though. I'm very efficient when I play but I tend to be a daredevil too. I wonder if my other games will ever get any attention lol.
  11. View Conversation
    Indeed. Music moves my heart and soul.

    Yeh, I've been playing least 2 years now. The majority of it solo, so its hard sometimes. Well. I started with PSU and I was used to hunter, so it was second nature to me.

    I'll be 38 in September. Still, I really wanted to play it once. I just love gaming.
  12. View Conversation
    Me too but it's also a means to controlling the voices in my head.

    Really? I thought everyone was tired of PSP2. I'm aiming to be a top player and it's addictive. My feet hurt all the time with just about any shoes. I used to be military, so I guess now my feet are sensitive. I started off as a hunter then moved to vanguard, but I started to like ranger too. Not big on force though. I love close range mostly. Meh, I can't back mine up. :/

    I tend to end up with younger or older crowds. Never anyone my age. I'm probably the oldest on here. but I can'. Play pso2. No means for which to.
  13. View Conversation
    Totally! Music, game and anime. I'd be lost without them.

    Cool. It'll be nice to play with a friend for a change. Too bad I have to wait till then cause I don't have WiFi where I'm living now. But I'll be with my dad so that should change very soon. I'm so sorry to hear you're going through so much. And you're so young. I have some in the high 80s to max. Some I'm working on type levels though too.

    Lol. I think We're really gonna get along good. As long as you don't mind an old bag for friend lol.
  14. View Conversation
    Me too. I love all of that. It's rare to find another with similar tastes.

    Just regular PSP2 and no dlc. I wish I had infinity.I won't be able to play online till the 3rd or 4th when I get to my dad's. But I'll be able to play whenever once I'm there. I'm sorry to hear that. I hope you recover soon and don't worry about your levels. I just love to play and have several characters. I'll help you out.

    Sammi it is then :3 lol, yeh. My name tends to get butchered a lot. This is so awesome. I made a cool new friend.
  15. View Conversation
    So I guess that means you're really into rock then huh? Yeh, I love to play phantasy star and other games while rockin out to Luka and other bands. Wish I had someone to play PSP2 with though.

    Lis or sammi huh. Which do you prefer? You can call me Umi if you prefer.
  16. View Conversation
    Thanks. So you're a Luka fan too? Btw, I'm Mutsumi. What about you?
  17. View Conversation
    Hello. I noticed that you visited my page so I thought I should say hello.
  18. View Conversation
    No worries on the reply, I'm happy you can stand again! How much weight can you put on it? Think you'll be able to reliably walk soon?

    Actually, multiple costumes is a good idea...I could always work on something else that's simple, and then bring out Hitomi on a Sunday or something. I still really love that costume so I don't see me retiring it anytime soon XD I'm trying to narrow down some ideas for what to do next, so we'll see. Hope you can get going on the Borderlands costume soon!

    You love dem jackets :3 That one's pretty cool, give it lots of cool patches and studs! I am three years older than it, wow XD I need to start looking at some new fall clothes, but man am I loving the new summer stuff I went with this year. As a normal wearer of tight, form-fitting stuff (especially tanktops), I'm surprisingly loving the loose off-shoulder tops and the flowy sheer tops that are popular this year.
  19. View Conversation
    You may have the appetite of a small bird, but I have one of a moderately-sized dinosaur, so I'm pretty sure I'd die XD Even being broke during college, food is the one thing I couldn't skimp on or I'd pass out in no time. Stupid hypoglycemia. And I'd say biking or swimming would be great exercises for you, given that they're low-impact. Pretty hilarious that your feet are basically taped up, but it sure beats sutures.

    Cosplaying was SO fun, yes XD I can't decide if I want to go ahead and try a new costume for my next con, or roll out Hitomi again while working on something more long-term. The Kim Possible chick was awesome, and I love the more simple costumes as they tend to be the most accurate (it was her default black shirt outfit). I think I could totally pull off that costume too :P And I don't recall the names of the cons, kinda waiting to hear back from my friends who are handling the hotel reservations, but they are some of the larger ones so they should be a lot more interesting.

    I have this morbid fascination with the pictures you send me, so don't worry XD That's one hell of an incision, prooooobably not an operation I'd be able to watch o_o
  20. View Conversation
    Is there any sort of rehab involved with the aftermath of your foot procedure, or are you pretty much on your own? I'd imagine you certainly wouldn't want to go straight from bedridden to walking ten miles at a con, so that's a good point. You should still totally do it though, it'd be hot Also the guy that took out your stitches is awesome XD FOOT WASHY TIME?

    Man, I think I'd die if I had to live off that diet XD Like seriously, I don't know if my insane rate of burning through blood sugar could handle it. I'd have to go on thyroid-slowing meds again! But hopefully you're almost through the worst of it, and I guess weight loss doesn't suck to a certain extent. You just gotta work on getting your muscles back, and cardio would be great for rehab. Just depends on what your doctors recommend.

    The con itself was okay, went to a few neat panels and checked out the arts and vendors, but cosplaying? THAT was fun Being in character and striking up conversations with other cosplayers was a blast, and everyone loved my Hitomi costume. Unfortunately it was REALLY cold in the artist/vendor areas, which sucks when you're wearing a thin cropped tanktop, but otherwise it was really awesome and I can't wait to do it again. I had some friends that also went and we hung out for a while, and I'm most likely going with them to a couple of larger cons early next year, which should be fun :3 Didn't find any other DoA cosplayers unfortunately, but my favorites were this really well-done Snow/Serah couple and I met a totally badass Kim Possible.
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About LK1721

Basic Information

Date of Birth
October 11, 1995 (29)
About LK1721
I spend far too much time on the internet.
Utah, USA
Art, sewing and high fives.
Xbox Live Gamertag:
GRAYmatter7 (Shared)
Player Info
PSO Characters:
Dragon-Lv 200 HUcast, Skyly[BB] [Retired]
Kye- Lv 18x RAmarl, Purplenum [GC]
Gyros_X- Lv 4x RAcast, Oran [GC]
Alicia- Lv 3x FOmarl, Whitill [GC]
PSU Characters:
Dragon-Lv 116 M Beast Fighgunner
Aarin-Lv 89 F Human Fighgunner/Fortetecher
PS Portable Characters:
Aarin Lv 7x F Human Acrofighter
LK1721 Lv 2x F CAST Protranser

L.K. Lv 119 F Human Vanguard
Hildr Lv 30 F CAST Hunter


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Mar 5, 2015 05:05 PM
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Player Info
PSO Characters:
Dragon-Lv 200 HUcast, Skyly[BB] [Retired]
Kye- Lv 18x RAmarl, Purplenum [GC]
Gyros_X- Lv 4x RAcast, Oran [GC]
Alicia- Lv 3x FOmarl, Whitill [GC]
PSU Characters:
Dragon-Lv 116 M Beast Fighgunner
Aarin-Lv 89 F Human Fighgunner/Fortetecher
PS Portable Characters:
Aarin Lv 7x F Human Acrofighter
LK1721 Lv 2x F CAST Protranser

L.K. Lv 119 F Human Vanguard
Hildr Lv 30 F CAST Hunter

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