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  1. Considering moving to the JP version. Can't find anyone from the old days in global and I know that one of my old teams is active in JP right now.
  2. Love that they've added different themes to certain mountain peaks in NGS
  3. As for the PSO-W forums, I already expected it to have way less activity due to the rise of Reddit and Discord. I particularly think Reddit is quite convenient for information hunting but awful for community building / management. I have yet to see a community there that actually got a cohesive core or didn't just turn into a battlefield eventually.

    On a completely different note... I found out a few months ago that I had saved at least some of my PSU EN / JP screenshots in a dvd. I'll probably feel bad for not making some PSU shoutouts here because I'm weary of the risk of typing the wrong name or getting people switched up. Yay!

    Right now I'm taking a look at NG cbt after missing a PSO JP beta I did register in for the first time... I'm not getting as hyped as I was in PSO2 alpha 2 but some things look promising. I'm not sold on the "Rift" style of content, which is the quasi-instanced spawns on an intermittent basis which if you clear properly (in PSO logic = fast) you eventually get a special spawn later. It got old fast in that game.

    Movement is interesting, it took me a day to stop trying to JA and affixing is way less of a pain now. Music has been rather forgettable so far which is a first in the series to me. My vga doesn't run it as well as I would want it to but performance outside of the city and far from lakes is still pretty good.

    One thing that still need a lot of work is the party system. Going to a different area and seeing the party being divided because the game decides to place the first member in a instance with 5 empty slots and the second one in an instance that only had 1 slot is kinda stupid... Also it isn't easy enough to see your party members in the map imo. Still have hope that some of the issues get ironed out and the game systems prove fun.

    Well, I did say it would be kind of a blog post
  4. Time for a blog like post!

    So, after a few weeks after its launch I managed to take a look at PSO2 global and in turn, the infamous EP4, as I had stopped at ep3 and went back briefly to see how things were on... late EP5 iirc.

    Well, after a while in PSO2 global I realized that EP4 onward is pretty much a solo game nowadays. Nobody interacts, parties are pretty much mute, key system killed part of the interactions as it killed most of the exp parties, daily quests being character based made the economy a mess, party beacons further lowered interactions and it had the global bonus of way too many EQs so the odd farm parties didn't last long.

    Idk how much of this is due to global players as I barely touched the game after EP3 in JP but I think it is pretty clear that it was disheartening and I only played it here and there. Interactions, good or not were an important part of what made PSO, PSU or PSO2 to me. It was pretty much forced into the game as the games always gave very good incentives to do content in a coordinated party (no, a bunch of random people killing a boss or tons of small fry in a timed map does not really fit that).

    I knew that at least one person I knew from PSU and PSO2 was playing which was great but I thought that, in the mindset I was, the risk of me failing to commit to playing was too high if I didn't just take it very lightly. Also can't deny that I was a bit shocked to not find pretty much anyone else that was inactive like Exodus, Lacen, Farrid and Naoshi from Arkestra or some of the people I met in my not so long stay in Skylark, either in JP or global. I knew that the few PSU players I remembered and that I had an idea of being active in ep3 would probably be inactive and by now I have no more contact with most of them. Makes me wonder if the questions I raised above did wear some of them down too.
  5. View Conversation
    Man, I really need to come on here more. >_<
  6. What is happening right now:
    1: I got my alt discord back a few days ago so I can set it for PSO2.
    2: Going through the biggest mystery ever (not) that is what leg part I used on release, as I only seem to have screenshots after I got the illusion part in my hdd.
    3: Took way more screenshots than needed to save my character's settings from the jp version.
    4: Noticed that I was stupid to the point I forgot to send a message saying that I was having trouble getting into my alt discord account and ended up focusing on other stuff. I'm really sorry for that Anon_Fire.
    5: Wondering what ship to go in, feels like ship 2 might be a trap this time and ship 1... well it could be anything, so kinda risky.
    6: Need to relearn how to use Nvidia Inspector as I had a format a short while ago...
    7: Wondering how many days I will lose on this launch (allergy + PC probably won't work out that well).
  7. View Conversation
    I'll just let you add me with your alt account if you haven't migrated yet.
  8. View Conversation
    I'm on Discord too.
  9. View Conversation
    Well, that's okay. Are you using any IM app or anything?
  10. View Conversation
    Are you looking into joining a new team?
  11. View Conversation
    Sadly, I'm no longer part of Arkestra. I'm part of Celestial now.
  12. View Conversation
    Ahhh! You! You're alive! :O
  13. View Conversation
    Well, no need for VPN's as of January 2015
  14. View Conversation
    I never use VPN's
  15. View Conversation
    I'd love to, but I can't.
  16. View Conversation
  17. View Conversation
    it is okay - I am glad to see that you are doing okay; we should meet up some time.
  18. EXO! Long time no see! Good to see you're still around.

    And I'm sorry for disappearing out of nowhere. =(
  19. View Conversation
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About SuKKrl

Basic Information

About SuKKrl
Played at least a bit of most entries in the PSO/U series (Ep3 and PSP2 being the main exceptions). First character is almost always a Cast Ranger.

Feeling weird about being lost in a game I first played 8 years ago but stopped doing so consistently after ep3.
PSO2, football, gaming...
Player Info
PSO2 Characters:
Sukkrl - lvl 61/48 RA/HU Cast F / Ship 02 - Mascots
JP Sukkrl - lvl 64 Force Cast F / Ship 02
NGS Sukkrl - Main RA
PSU Characters:
Sukkrl - lvl 53 CAST F - Fortegunner
JP SuKKrl - lvl 135 Cast F - Gunmaster
PS Zero Friend Code:
2493 5751 7878


( ・ω・)ノ゙


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Most Recent Message
Jul 4, 2021 12:16 AM
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Last Activity
Jul 2, 2022 08:32 PM
Join Date
Dec 5, 2009

7 Friends

  1. Anon_Fire Anon_Fire is offline

    Battle Fiend

  2. AOI_Tifa_Lockhart AOI_Tifa_Lockhart is offline


  3. Cypher_9 Cypher_9 is offline

    The Exodus

  4. DieannaKill DieannaKill is offline

    PSO-PSU Addict ΦωΦ

  5. Lacen Lacen is offline

    Wing of Dimensions

  6. Ryno Ryno is offline


  7. yumpoptart yumpoptart is offline

    infamous doobler

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Player Info
PSO2 Characters:
Sukkrl - lvl 61/48 RA/HU Cast F / Ship 02 - Mascots
JP Sukkrl - lvl 64 Force Cast F / Ship 02
NGS Sukkrl - Main RA
PSU Characters:
Sukkrl - lvl 53 CAST F - Fortegunner
JP SuKKrl - lvl 135 Cast F - Gunmaster
PS Zero Friend Code:
2493 5751 7878
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