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  • Windancer's Avatar
    Jan 23, 2025, 10:49 PM
    Windancer posted a visitor message on Ryno's profile
    are you on PSOBB ive been spending alot of time with Ozell, Dream, Dragon and Cleo in lobby 21 come join us!
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148 Visitor Messages

  1. View Conversation
    Hi. I messaged you over on Ushi No Tane.
  2. View Conversation
    Did you get my last pm? I wonder if it went through.
  3. View Conversation
    OKAY Im'ready. Sorry for the long wait. :P
  4. View Conversation
    Would you like to play PSZ today? Or perhaps Animal Crossing?
  5. View Conversation
    I got it. Thanks. Sorry I didnt see this sooner. Heres my FC: 1247-003-1095. Glad I got to see someone I know.
  6. View Conversation
    Okay! I look forward to playing PSZ with you!
  7. View Conversation
    Let's play animal crossing sometime!
  8. View Conversation
    I am gonna work on food while waiting for Chaos to log on, I will check my computer regularly ^_^
  9. View Conversation
    haha ok xD my fc is 3740-8709-6173 and avat is... well IsaacUK too xD
    ill keep in mind when u r on
  10. View Conversation
    hello there!
  11. View Conversation
    I Found You A Radam Soul, And That Thing Looks Good On My Racaseal :P
    But I Do Really Want That H10, Flame Visit, X 1 More Than I Want A Radam Atm. xp
    Also, The Pinky Beam With Bio-Panic
  12. View Conversation
  13. View Conversation
    wow its been forevr i hope ur well
  14. View Conversation
    hope ur well
  15. View Conversation
    me and windy are online HoR if you want to join
  16. View Conversation
    heya Joni! how you doing? we're about to have some runs wana join? cheers
  17. View Conversation
    oh you kal-bee you know i didn't know that lol
  18. View Conversation
    Hey Gavin, I had been hosting MPH for approx. 3 hrs but didn't see you online, or I miscalculated the timezone?!
  19. Hello SGS members. Im sending this Reminder out to everyone in the group. We are going to start a slightly more active approach to the group. Not quite as intense as The revival was but it's time to clean out inactive members and start rebuilding The Secret Gaming Society. We are going to start Having events at least 1 per month ran by me and any other events maybe added by members to play a game online that they may have. If you have a favorite game that you like to play setup a play day to play with group members by posting in the shoutbox a date, time and the game. If your interested in playing a game thats in the news be sure to let everyone know so you can get added to the que for that game. For a few of us Phantasy Star Zero is off the table....However Never say never we just might surprise you and join your Phantasy Star Zero Play day should you set one up. There are so many wonderful games to play online for Nintendo DS, PSP, Wii, Xbox 360 and Playstation 3. Feel free to setup a play date for any of those systems. Im sure most of us will try PSO2 when it comes out especially since sega is planning to release it on so many platforms. While we wait lets have some fun Chat a little bit, play a little bit and do a little storytelling. So with that If you have been inactive for quite a while and want to stay in The Secret Gaming Society Please drop by the message Board and just say hello or let us know what ya been up too. If we dont hear from you by 4-17-12 I will assume you have no interest in remaining in SGS and will remove you from the group. Thanks much everyone and keep on gaming. This Letter is going to be sent to each Member of SGS
  20. View Conversation
    But, anyways, I can be here, but obviously cannot play PSZ online. I played a little minor few times, a couple ten-floors runs of ET, minor area runs of places I didn't go often enough before, nothing rare gotten that I can recall. PSZ 's still fun, I just wish it was able to get the proper attention it deserved... but, for now, I'm just finishing completionist stuff I might as well do in my offtime, like completing FF:4HoL [by which I mean the crowns and stuff], beating SM3DL's special stages and all star coins, getting all the accomplishments in Devil Survivor Overclocked, etc.

    But, I have things I have to do on the ship too; I got my upcoming advancement exam because I'm finally "striking" a rate (basically getting my job in the navy), which I decided to go for Gunner's Mate [aka GM]. The exam should be within ther next week and a half, and I've been studying a lot, so there's at least hope I should pass and become rated as a GM afterwards, even if I don't make 3rd Class off the exam. Once I take the advancement exam, I'm going to then go and finish up on my Enlisted Surface Warfare Specialist (ESWS) pin, which I already have all the signatures for, I just need to take the test, do the murderboard, and then the chief's board, and that's a nice like trinket on my chest for the rest of my naval career.

    But, that's been my underway life for the past month or so. I am very much thrilled beyond belief that you guys managed to complete my dream for PSZ. Those Rappy Souls were originally given to me as gifts when I started, as others became aware of my love for those adorably feathered fiends. It was then my goal to ultimate solidify my love for them by accepting them as gifts and trading generously for them, in order to be able to save them and one day give them to everyone who also wanted to enjoy a happy Rappy-filled time in PSZ. And, even as I am far away from being able to receive them and know my hopes realized, I feel that thanks to you all, I may yet have faith in PSZ's continuing community, and that we may all live happy days togather again someday!
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About jonigavin

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HUNewear1, Lv 100
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FC: 3008-8894-5497
"Dreams and beasts are two keys by which we find out the keys to our own nature."
"Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will."


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Feb 26, 2016 07:31 PM
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Jul 16, 2016 05:18 PM
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Jan 7, 2010

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