Sure thing man ^_^
hey im online if u want to play
my new friend code please add it okay. 4899- 9885- 7996
I added you on PSZ if your up for some play tonight?
I'm online. Did you add my FC? Want to trade?
also thx for joining my guild .
hey brother u fancy a run right now .
Thanks, I got you added to the list. I will post it once I have enough on it ^_^
hey bro fancy a run ?.ill be online for three days .i plan on hitting 90 now finally XD.
hey bro i hope ur well
Hehehehe... I love how Eridanus looks too XD Well, so long as you're satisfied with the items you've gotten, I won't feel too guilty XD
Oh it's no worry XD I honestly feel like I got everything I needed with that Ajax... because that is a TOP CLASS item... I feel like I kinda stole it from you for dirt cheap XD
No rush Zacky
thanks for the trade
I'll be hosting
alright give me 10-15 to get there
Wait... are you available now? Because I can run down to the Wi-Fi spot if you're ready
cool I'll meet you then
It's ok XD will you be available in about an hour and a half? I only kep hounding because I really want that Ajax for a friend XD
hey, if you see this within the next 15-30 minutes, I'll be online hosting a trade with Norco! catch me online if you can
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Friendly Lil GoblinX_x
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