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  1. View Conversation
    Sure, though I think my info is a bit outdated now since the PSZ-R 2 doesn't seem to be the prime PSZ hangout anymore.
  2. View Conversation
    alright haha no worries take your time, im on most of the time anyways
  3. View Conversation
    Hello there! -active PSZ player here-
  4. View Conversation
    The thing is I got burnt out from running the group in Windancer's place and when I finally contacted Windancer, who was absent from last December to last March because of health reasons, he mentioned he didn't feel up to running the group anymore himself so we agreed after talking about it for a while that it was time to move on and disbanded the group.

    The new PSZ group is located here:

    Pretty much DoctorShanks is running the group the same way Windancer and I ran ours with new twists of his own like he added a chatroom and has everyone give in-game information where he posts it on a website so people can pair up with each other with the proper levels to avoid getting people on SH getting annoyed at playing with those who can only do Normal and Hard (not to mention, the game's more fun too when paired with those closer to your level too).

    Just give DoctorShanks a PM if you want to join and have the means to play with others on Nintendo wifi. He also requires all members to fill out an information sheet (pretty much in-game information as previously mentioned) upon joining. I'm guessing he's been having the same problems as I have with people joining the group and leaving like a day or so later because he also requires new members to attend their first revival or get banned right there and then.
  5. View Conversation
    Hey, Lostcause, the PSZ-R has been disbanded as of last April. If you ever get wifi again and still want to play PSZ, I would look up DoctorShanks's PSZ-R 2 group, which is a similar group to the old PSZ-R.
  6. View Conversation
    Haha np man, it is kind of my fault for picking a bullet resistant area xD I am guessing you do not know about this.

    Valley, Paru, Arca and Shrine = Bullet Resistant
    Wetfields, Snowfields and Makara = Melee Resistant

    I did not know this until a very high level, however once I was told about it, everything got so much easier. I have to say Snowfields is a bit borderline, however ranged weapons still work better there then melee.

    Here is my advice, use a Saber(Force Ride or Zeta Cutlass photon art) or Gunblade(Earth Bullet photon art) at the bullet resistant areas. Also try putting Celeb element on your weapons if you have not, that will increase your damage considerably ^_^

    You probably know a few of these already but I figured I would throw it all out there since its quite simple stuff ^_^
  7. View Conversation
    Np, if my gf showed up I would have done the same ^_^

    Nope sorry, I am playing on a DS Lite xD
  8. View Conversation
    Alright, I'll add you when I go offline again. Big PSZ revival meet tonight, so it might be a while. ^_^
  9. View Conversation
    Got error 54000 (got disconnected) :/
  10. View Conversation
    Hi, X_LostXcausE_X!
    Here's my support FC:
    Joss: 3010-1993-7002..
    and Gavin's FC:
    Kal-bee: 1291-0264-9128.
    We're currently working out the kinks in our new home hotdot.. Forewarn..sigh. (help!)
    Thanks for adding us! Take care.
  11. View Conversation
    And I've added you too. =)
  12. View Conversation
    Cool. Hope to see you online soon I'll add you once I finish waking up.
  13. View Conversation
    Thats awesome! ^_^
  14. View Conversation
    Hey im the dude from the form you added me on PSZ right?
  15. View Conversation
    Remember me? XD
  16. View Conversation
    hi add me Cavil 0218 1350 6388
  17. Everyone disregard my FC inside my signature.

    I recently got a 3DS, so my new FC is 1377 - 7086 - 5362.

    Also, I need the FCs of anyone that adds me, including those I've played with in the past.
  18. View Conversation
    A group can usually get together around 10pm-12am Eastern time. I'll mail you if I get home in time to play, and if I can get a group together. Casino Tonight. ^.^
  19. View Conversation
    Hey im lookin for people to play with let me know if u want to one day
  20. View Conversation
    Not really. The wifi i use't to use doesn't work anymore after it was, so-called, "Upgraded" ... -_-
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About X_LostXcausE_X

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About X_LostXcausE_X
I'll gladly lend my gun to any who require it. Send a PM to plan a run.
Gunning down hostiles
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PS Zero Characters:
RAcast - Omega XX
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I shoot with purpose; one shot, one kill.


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Sep 26, 2013 07:48 PM
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Sep 12, 2013 09:24 PM
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Apr 24, 2010

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