Oh gawd. I was wrong! They don't bounce! I totally thought that they did. I thought I saw it in some video for the game! Maybe certain torso parts do, but not the one I chose, at least. D:
Hey, dude! It was awesome that we ended up being grouped in a multiparty. XD What an awesome coincidence. I saw you name on the list of players in the lobby, ran about looking for you, then looked at the list again and you were gone. :c I totally wanted to invite you. Hopefully I'll get to play with you on Wednesday or the weekend. Since Lylia has hit level 20, I'll most likely be starting a RAcaseal called Platina. Man, it's a shame that caseals are so obviously gynoids at the limb joints, because I played around with character creation and they have good human faces. It's funny that they have bouncy boobs when they have robotic joints. At least caseal creators had their priorities straight. X3 I hope to make a FOnewearl over the 32 hour session as well. Forces seem pretty fun.
Japanese PSN isn't back up as far as I'm aware. I'm sure you already know PSN is back in American and Europe.
Ah ha! I knew you wouldn't be able to do it! XD No offence or anything, dude. I know you're a busy man. What's a PSP2 style leveling system? o.o Isn't it just like most leveling systems? Kill and get EXP until you level up. Hurray. Well, it's cool that you've been doing something to your website anyway. Look forward to playing with you again!
Not too long until we can play again! Quite a shame Japan's PSN is being held back by its Ministry of Economy's Media and Content Industry department, but it's fair enough, I guess. What level are you and all that jazz?
You're OK as you are, dude. It doesn't really matter how rebirthed you are. I'll play with you! I don't know if you'll have the time and the patience to do 50 Magashi Plan runs after rebirthing before PSN comes back and then for the event. You'll need about 260 of each stone to get to LV150 by my reckoning. I'm not really the best person to ask for rebirthing advice, but I'll try! As a duman, you probably will want to put some points toward DFP and MST. I wouldn't recommend wasting any points in EVA. I don't know where Dumans sit in the EVA scale, but unless they have high natural EVA, then a measly 80 isn't going to do much for you. Don't leave things to chance! PP is also a good choice, as you know. I'd recommend putting some into that. I'd also recommend not being so hasty about trying to max out one stat. The large amount of rebirth points required for getting a stat close to the max can be better spent on those that don't need so much! You can always max them out after another rebirth. >< Anyway, don't listen to me. Do what you feel is right!
Good to hear from you, Funkyskunk! It's been ages. >< Good work on getting into the grind, man! I rebirthed and am currently only LV140 with no stones for Magashi. >< So I'm not even able to do infinity rank missions right now. Even though I don't really have the will to play offline, I should hopefully be at least LV150 by the time PSN is up again.
Lets you rename 'em huh? Good thing you mentioned that, I had a question about that kind of stuck in my head. lol I'll upload my file for ya and send it though. Thank you.
Sorry if this is bothering, but I was reading around the forums, and heard that you converted saves to different regions? In your conversion thread though, I saw that you also have a program that does it too. Or, is that still a work in progress? Anyways, just wanted to know because any help would be appreciated, and I heard that you were the person to go to.
Dang man, I was just reading some of your older posts in the thread you made some time back and I stumbled upon the one about combining saves. DAYUM, you are THE mod guy I totally look up to now! I understand we shouldn't discuss in public but I would Love to learn more about modding psp firmwares and the like.
Heard the actual Infinity game is out. A little hard to find, lol.
Hi there, nice to meet you! I was just wondering if I could ask for your opinion on something. I'm currently using 5.50 Prom, and just wanted to know if I should upgrade to the same firmware as yours?
Hihi buddy! How are things on your end?
Hiii! Nice to meet'chuuuu!
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