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  1. View Conversation
    my new friend code please add it okay. apparently i had to do a system restart .
    4899- 9885- 7996
  2. View Conversation
    hey long time no see.
  3. View Conversation
    yeah lemme get on. i can only trade but maybe tommorrow we can do some runs
  4. View Conversation
    oops sorry i missed you earlier i had the site up and was helping with holiday stuff at my house. I can totally do the N-Tathlum+Radam Soul for the Crimsonfield+Scarred Tatami trade later tonight. I can be free anytime around 9:00pm eastern and 12:00pm eastern. it all depends on what goes on tonight with hectic holiday preparations.
  5. View Conversation
    Thanks for the runs today! Ill soon be more available and sky rocket in PSZ once Im done leveling in monster hunter tri. So close to my goal!
  6. View Conversation
    it was good playing with u and doc take care : ) .
  7. View Conversation
    I just confirmed that I can get extra time, but I'm not sure how much. I'm going to go take a shower and brush my teeth etc, then I'll try to meet you online. I'll let you know when or if I'm ready.
  8. View Conversation
    if u want a friend or someone to run with.hit me up anytime friend.also merry x mas.
  9. I'm currently training up to acquire a Miyabisen myself to pair with my EclipseStar. If you stumble across one of those with a decent elemental effect (hopefully level 3) and the Bright Sign Photon Art, I'd actually like to trade for it once I get the items. In the meanwhile, I'm doing a normal Eternal Tower run, and I'm on floor 80 currently.
  10. View Conversation
    Yoo ^_^

    In the "Which Character Types did you choose?"-thread I notice that you have a Maisen. So I am wondering if you are willing to trade-tradeback it so I can increase my weapon catalog? Of course I will let you catalog something of mine in return ^_^
  11. After a long semester, I have returned!
  12. View Conversation
    D'aw, I hope you come back soon, Silesia... I haz more gifts for you, along with your special surprise inside. :,<
  13. View Conversation
    Hey, when you're done with your ET run, let me know, I got some more gifts of the Lv15 tech genre waiting for you. ;P

    EDIT: Also, just as a little side-note, since I see you posting in your own vistor's message area, other people will only be notified of your responses to them if you hit the little "View Conversation" and reply to them specifically there. Just a little note.
  14. View Conversation
    Sure. ^_^
  15. View Conversation
    I'm ready to trade when you are.
  16. Haha, I'll definately take those, and guard mats too (I need for my mag )
  17. View Conversation
    haha it was nice! btw I got more mind mats if you want (not like I use any L O L).
  18. @bws - relax, it was just a celeb kleingold. I thought I'd be friendly and give a gift
  19. View Conversation
    ... ¤w¤
  20. @ Maiya - Yup! I joined a while ago, but I hadn't said much But good to know we're in the same group, and I saw those pictures. Very nice! I may change Silesia's design a bit, but I'm keeping the Angel Idols alive! (Plus, Chaos seems to have taken a liking to it as well)

    @ Cryptic - Hey, no worries bud! Play when you can, and I'll be online for a little while starting at 10, so perhaps we can do some hard paru runs
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About Tetris

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About Tetris
I like games. I also enjoy RPs and VGM
Crunching levels to the top!
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PS Zero Characters:
Hamuko - HUnewearl (level 58)
+ Weapon Proficiency - Slicers & Sabers
+ Mag Partner - Yellow Femini (50 Mind 50 Hit) Fickle Nature
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~~Hamuko, the "Wild Card"~~


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Dec 28, 2011 04:05 PM
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Feb 25, 2012 12:09 PM
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Jan 7, 2011

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    Chaos Rappy
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    Friendly Lil GoblinX_x

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    Geno Whirl!

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    loving you

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Player Info
PS Zero Characters:
Hamuko - HUnewearl (level 58)
+ Weapon Proficiency - Slicers & Sabers
+ Mag Partner - Yellow Femini (50 Mind 50 Hit) Fickle Nature
PS Zero Friend Code:
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