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  • Limbo_lag's Avatar
    Jan 28, 2025, 09:31 AM
    Its probably quite good if you're starting right now, but if you're a long time player you start to get frustrated by the lack of meaningful updates....
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  • Limbo_lag's Avatar
    Jan 28, 2025, 09:20 AM
    Limbo_lag posted a visitor message on lsen's profile
    Miss you buddy, hope you are well. Serce has a group discord if you ever want to catch up.
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  1. View Conversation
    Likewise. Hope you are well. Still on pso2 if you ever want to come back!
  2. View Conversation
    Dayuum, you were in Greece? I'm kinda jealous, always wanted to go there lol.
    What kind of internship were you in? I'm guessing it was something to do with art How's that going? Just assuming if you were in an internship it must be going really well. Still haven't made a pic of my character yet!
    Been watching Boney from time to time on Twitch too. Tito and him were on there a few days ago playing PSP2i together. Strange how much I miss playing that game. Sega needs to bring another PS game out like that =.= Was much better than PSO2 lol. Has been well over a year since i last played that game ><.
    And yeah, would be great if another game came out that we all played. Sure one day something has to come out, just gotta be optimistic! Also, already taking a FF14 break. Fun game, but constantly having to get the newest/latest gear right away otherwise other players wont take you serious was getting to be a drag. Not sure if want to renew sub...
  3. View Conversation
    oOoOo, MH does look good. Haven't played it myself but looks tempting. I remember playing it forever ago on PSP. I sucked =.= lol Still playing FF14, but kinda lookin into other things. Still playing FF15 too, whenever they release more stuff for it.

    Hope you had a good New Years too! Mine was okay. I'm gettin old so I just see new year as just another day XD
  4. Ay, I'm pretty good, got a job and continuing to improve myself. You?
  5. View Conversation
    Lol. I still have PSO2 installed, I just haven't updated it since February.
    I went ahead and resubbed to FF14. It's not as grindy as PSO2 and I can at least understand the story lol. it can be annoying how you can be locked out of game areas until you get past certain main story quests... but oh well ):.
    other than that I've been thinking of trying to get into WoFF again. I got nearly halfway through the game then stopped. Grinding all the monsters you catch really takes a toll on you T_T. Except for those 2 my games to play list it pretty small. only one on my mind is KH3 if it ever comes out. maybe the ps4 remasters of the SO games, dunno, haven't decided on those yet.
  6. View Conversation
    Hey, hey, whats up and how's things going?! Sorry for not getting around to replying to anything, forgot my password lol.
    And nope, they've added stuff since I stopped and I still haven't bothered to play. I think i might be completely burned out on PSO2. I just have no urge to play it so far since I stopped.
    Haven't been playing much else... From time to time I go back and play FF15 since they've added some extra episodes and at the moment they have an Assassins Creed collab going on, but I still haven't tried that yet. For a little over a month I tried out FF14. Thinking of getting the full version and subbing, not quite sure yet.
    Also, you can still play vanilla/infinity online? o: I thought the servers were down! I know they closed up inifnity's like 3 years ago? thought they did vanilla's earlier this year lol.
  7. View Conversation
    Heeeeey! Guess what? I've finally gotten tired of pso2 lol. actually haven't played it for about 3 months now =.=
  8. View Conversation
    Have you been playing FFXV? o:
    Been playing it very, very slowly. Like, 90 hours in and still not even halfway through chapter 3 >>
  9. View Conversation
    Also, whats your psn?
  10. View Conversation
    Hey Drunk, saw you in chat, but right after you left ):
  11. View Conversation
    Fen! So sorry, was so tired other day when you were online i fell asleep lol
  12. View Conversation
    Omg. I think... im getting a little tired of pso2 finally ):
  13. View Conversation
    so, bored yet?
  14. View Conversation
    They do make money! I know! Cuz I gave them some >>
    And lol. What's wrong with mage? Just make your character look old and with a beard! But anyway, that was short lived. People outside SEA are blocked again.
  15. View Conversation
    lol, why would it be cancelled? its a big money maker for sega!
    Also, from what i've heard, people can now play the english version without being blocked! only thing is that its the south east asian version of the game ):
  16. View Conversation
    I just never thought of getting one! lol. Maybe if google forced you to do voice searches i'd have one XD
    Pso2 is okay. Added new stuff and all, but nothing super great.
  17. View Conversation
    That sounds like a good idea, but i dont have skype or mic T_T
  18. View Conversation
  19. View Conversation
    Yes, they did! But it sucks. you have to link different PAs together to get more dmg. they also added sangeyasha!
  20. View Conversation
    In mibbit! Saw you had been there shortly after you had left ):
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