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  1. View Conversation
    Nice Place you got here.
  2. View Conversation
    I read your guides Thanks for the tips and gear info it helps to get a decent answer around here.
  3. View Conversation
    "It balances out I guess. Essentially

    PSOW - Salty old veterans
    Reddit - 3872364823 newbies asking about builds
    4chan - Shitposting about OH and Sophia
    Facebook - Waifus and memes

    Pick your poison "

    I think I'd rather drink bleach and choke on an unironic Weddle Park.
  4. View Conversation
    Excuse me, I sent in an application on your site to join your team. Just wanted to see if you could check on it.
  5. View Conversation
    Understandable, I will check it later today when I get online.
  6. View Conversation
    I sent an application to join your clan
  7. View Conversation
    Hey, just in case you weren't aware, the power notations of JB normals are posted on swiki. Might be handy for the damage talk.

    1st: 60
    2nd: 106 + 106 (212)
    3rd: 115
    Step: 100
    Shift: 56 * 4 (224)

    I would post on the thread but Gamemako's posts make me sad. I don't want to get myself involved in that. I only posted earlier cuz you name dropped me!
  8. I-it's not like I wanted you to visit me or anything.
  9. View Conversation
    Well, about the Gu/Ra vs Gu/Bo stuff, since the thread moved on from that. 11:28 with NPCs as Gu/Bo vs 6:51 as Gu/Ra without NPCs...I'm not really seeing the NPCs adding that much time. The Gu/Ra was strictly limited to TMGs too, so no WB or launchers. I haven't run Kuronia Exploration yet, but if you'd like, I can upload unlisted videos of how it runs as Fo/Te/Bo and PM them so you can compare the overall effectiveness with Gu/Bo. I can't upload Gu/x videos because my Gunner is level 1, though.
  10. View Conversation
    Hey, um, I'd like to apologize for how I've been talking to you for a while. I disagree with a lot of things you say, but that's no excuse for me to be condescending about it. When it comes down to it, I simply don't believe a lot of the stuff you talk about works as effectively as you say it does compared to other alternatives. It annoys me because this is a common problem that fuels casual vs elitist arguments that I've noticed, and I'm pretty sensitive about that sort of thing so I talk much more harshly than I otherwise would.

    But more relevant to yesterday, I spoke the way I did because of the video comment. See, I want to post videos, but not showcasing what I can currently do. What I'd like to do is demonstrate a class being pushed to its limits, like how the other people I play with do. But I'm geared insufficiently for this. 90-95 ATK is OK, but not compared to the 140 range others have. Currently, I see my gear as inadequate, and I don't like to admit to that. Partly out of embarrassment, partly because I'd get bashed for saying that. So instead of explain my reasoning for not uploading videos, I chose to mask my embarrassment and inadequacy by attacking you.

    Which was not cool at all. And I apologize for it.
  11. View Conversation
    Hey, I like the guides on your site!

    Hope you can make guides for other classes too!
    Especially unorthodox class combinations
  12. View Conversation

    Just wanted to drop a "Thank you!" for the Bouncer & Affixing 101 guides on your(?) website. They are extremely helpful!
  13. View Conversation
    Hello Selphia,

    I'd like to thank you for putting your efforts into making a JB Bo guide.
    I read the 2 pages made and it's easy to understand the main points for using Jet Boots.

    Your Bo/Fi description interests me as I like Jbs and Twin Daggers, but too lazy to build T-ATK for JBs, while I should use S-ATK for Twin Dagger, in order not to lose Critical Strike and Limit Break.

    I'll be considering using Bo/Fi as I have Light Zyrenheit and a 12* TD Saika Hyouri I can synthezise attribute to 50. I do know that Saika Hyouri's potential boosts critical damage, so I might go for Fi/Bo at the end.

    Anyway, accept my gratitude and keep up the good work.

    Best regards.

  14. View Conversation
    Sorry for the late response, and thanks.

    Are there any other class/class combinations you play around with?
  15. View Conversation
    Think I want to make one of my characters Gu/Bo, but it doesn't have any levelled classes. Any recommendations on which skills to go with first on Gu?
  16. View Conversation
    Think Gunner has been the class I've been least able to grasp practically. Wasn't even until your guide that I knew what Megiverse/Zanverse could do/how to use them, despite how long I've been playing. As useful as the techs are, despite not thinking about it that way, if anyway had asked me about the combination prior to my seeing nothing on it, I would have likely written it off for general damage being too low, based on bad thought out calculations.

    Guess I really like that you're able to see things like that.
  17. View Conversation
    Would you have stayed playing it if it wasn't as useful as it seems to have turned out?
  18. View Conversation
    What inspired you to play Gu/Bo?
  19. View Conversation
    Yeah, there was weak boost in there, prem only, not very fond of it. Without it Vol takes another 15-20 seconds from what I could do.

    I mean I know it's better to use in the air but you use it on the ground sometimes, that's what I don't get.

    Damage seems better than Bo/Br and possibly akin to Bo/Hu break stance? Though you had shifta up most of the time. Still seems better than Gu/Hu from my own experience at least.
  20. View Conversation
    Don't know if you have/don't mind making an account.
    Was a TA run, not a boss run, so will be a little bit for Vol Dragon.

    Also noticing you don't consistently use PBF in the air, is there a reason for that?

    How is Gu/Bo for normal enemies?
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