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About AsuravonD

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Someone once asked me if I had learned anything from it all. So let me tell you what I learned. I learned everyone dies alone. But if you mean something to someone, if you help someone or love someone, if even a single person remembers you...Then never really die at all.

-The Machine -Person of Interest finale


Become the fence that protects Rachel. Always help her, treat her kindly, and approach her 'pretending to be a friend'. But, always remember. Never give her sympathy. Don't think of her as a friend. So that one day, you will be able to turn your back on her cries when told to do so. Detest her. Because she is the girl who killed my most precious friend. -Koon from ToG


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Sep 2, 2011

53 Friends

  1. Neo Flint Neo Flint is offline

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  2. Nymeria Nymeria is offline

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  3. O no its... OKo/Cmg O no its... OKo/Cmg is offline

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  4. Ollin Ollin is offline

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  5. Ovada Ovada is offline

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  6. Phantom Rain Phantom Rain is offline

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  7. raijz raijz is offline

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  8. Redhair Redhair is offline

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  9. Reikoku na kuma Reikoku na kuma is offline

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Someone once asked me if I had learned anything from it all. So let me tell you what I learned. I learned everyone dies alone. But if you mean something to someone, if you help someone or love someone, if even a single person remembers you...Then never really die at all.

-The Machine -Person of Interest finale
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