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  1. View Conversation
    Thanks for the share. It does remind me of PSO.
  2. View Conversation
    I've been alright, how about yourself?

    Nah, I'm not getting into DS2 any time soon. I'm not looking to get into any new or old MMOs either, right now PSO2 is just something to do that I'm already involved in. It's something I can load up and distract myself with when I don't feel like learning anything new. Any time I would spend on a whole new MMO or similarly complex game is better spent elsewhere these days. Maybe some time again in the future, but not now.
  3. View Conversation
    Thanks. That means alot to me. Leave some criticism here and there, I could use the feedback.
  4. View Conversation
    Haha, nah that's not me mate; I just listen to his music. P.SUS is an amazing artist though.
  5. View Conversation
    Hey dude, yeah lately I've been playing monster hunter 3 ultimate on 3ds. It's pretty good, and is very blatantly what PSO2 lifted half of its new mechanics from. It also does all of them better, unsurprisingly. Then it goes on to handle most other stuff better, too, like item rarity, armor, skills, etc.

    I've got animal crossing new leaf on the way too, will probably dump 3 months into that ha ha.
  6. What post would that be? I wasn't here for almost 2 months.
  7. Your avatar thingy on the profile page here made me look this up again

    ??????????? - YouTube

    Still the best

    youtube didn't embed, hmm, I wonder why.

    fixed it!
    It said "httpS://"
    extra S in there
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    Thanks man, now it's time to work on the PSE Burst variations to Forest and Caves that I found in the Alpha files as well. Lots of work ahead of me.
  10. View Conversation
    Yeah, it's just something to do. You either like to look at it or you don't, honestly. The combat is nice but with such irritating enemies you're forced to either slog through annoying stunlock and flinchlock or get into a large party and suffer literally zero challenge whatsoever as the forces nuke everything before you can even get close enough to slash anything one time.

    Right now I'm still entertained by it, but only marginally. It's something to do. I do like that it's exposure to japanese, so I'm picking things up as I go along, but it's not like I'm expending real energy to actually learn it. I could learn it far faster if I even just grabbed an interactive language teaching program. But, then, those don't have lasers. I know of Math Blaster, don't think there's a Japan Blaster though.

    You're welcome to pop on and we can do TA if I'm available, but really I don't blame you for getting bored. They really are just turning it into an endless grind that can only be made easier by spending money so the next time you spend money it's more cost effective.
  11. View Conversation
    For sure, not a problem. Be sure to thank Third Twin for the Team Room track, as he was the one who extracted the song and let me upload it to my channel.
  12. View Conversation
    but soulpoopwizzurd sounds so kawiwai
    do you not like things that are kawiwai
  13. View Conversation
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    But I wasn't done being nonsensical yet, I just went to do something more interesting...

    Okay now I'm done!
  15. View Conversation
    Yeah stuff like that is valuable! I have more tutorials and reference (in another game forum I made a whole thread for it) but the art section in here is pretty dry so I didn't bother. I'll probably post up some more later.
  16. View Conversation
    Well, that's lame. Thanks for the answer!
  17. View Conversation
    Yeah I get what you mean. Gils always flop around (I do tranmizer subdue instead of mines free field, so I get both types all the time). The gilnas do their lunges and jumps, then the gilnatch run over to heal them. The end result is a nas with 2+ natches right there. AOE is ideal. Dubs would be the best if not for the swing, lunge, and jumps all knocking you down, and with 3 gils on top of eachother one of those attacks is always coming your way.

    It's one of those cases where sonic arrow is ideal honestly. Sword WRECKS those situations, but I haven't tried the grabby dagger PA so that might be awesome. I'll do that tonight.

    By the way, TA later?
  18. View Conversation
    Try making some sense, please.
  19. View Conversation
    That is correct. lol! And lemme tell ya.. it's tough as Technique user.. trying so badly not to get any involved in your AoE.
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