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    Prepare to get sandwiched by us alot then haha.

    Everyone's aim is terrible at the start, it just needs practice. I'm at the point I can not play the game for a month and need 2-3 games and I have my aim back.
    And that is just a feeling, the weapon you use is far from weak. It's really a matter of hitting them properly. If you still feel like its weak you can try get outfits that have Damage Up (Arm icon) on them. Do not use more then 5 total in all your slots though because thats where it hits the cap. Damage up adds 10% damage for the first time you have it. After that it's effect is halved every time you add it. So a second Damage up adds only 5% damage and so on.

    Planning in advance might be a bit annoying with no direct way to contact you aside here and in PSO2. We mostly just decide like 10 mins before hand if we go play or not haha. But if you feel like playing sometime just poke me and I can log in even if they don't
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    I barely play right now either due to Xenoblade but this week I've started it up again with Irvine & CO. Have lots of fun again with it. Also a detail I forgot last night, Ovinyel is Irvine's girlfriend. And his sister also plays who goes by the name LaChoppa. Inkling is a Italian girl we found this week and befriended, shes damn good.

    And well no one will blame low levels like you for being noobs, they will however blame it is a lv40 instead xD its hard to get into the game if you entering a game full of high levels as a low level and we (me and the others just mentioned) might not always hold back since we are focused on the game. I for one tend to go for kills more then painting, specially if I am on my Charger.

    So yeah don't hold it against us if we end up killing you alot or something, just have fun and kill us back xD We'd love you play with you again sometime soon.
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    Haha to be honest I expected you to be higher. Irvine, Ovinyel and InklingB are all friends of mine, Irvine and Ovinyel also knew you were coming and were rather low leveled and they didn't mind one bit

    I just hope it didn't scare you off to much. It's a shame though the game got super laggy suddenly, I got disconnected and kept getting connection errors when trying to join a game again for a while.

    I also wasn't playing very good myself, I couldn't hit things for a long time. It's a hit and miss for me sometimes with my charger.

    You got me legitly twice, that wasn't even luck or anything . Irvine also grumbled when you planted that bomb behind him and killed him with it haha. We talk on skype while playing (IMs, no voice chat, yet).

    Hope you will join us again. If you need I can hand you out tips as well to enjoy the game better. Was nice playing with you.
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    That explains a lot lol. Yeah was doing a bit while waiting for Nina to finish cooking our dinner and we went to play project diva after that. Tomorrow we can try x3

    Happy new year btw x3
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    What do you use for ID then? Since I keep looking for a Reiketsu or Himizu

    We will probably play later tonight again but since new years even I doubt you will be able to do much heh.
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    Hey Himi. We are heading online on splatoon now. I checked my Wii u but I didn't get a friend request of yours. The id name you have to search on is CeNedra
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    Nah people don't really leech. You might find the occasional troll that just spams the voices and does nothing but you can blacklist them in your wii u menu.

    You might want to try a variety of weapons. You have to give them quite some testing to get the feel. I prefer chargers mainly cause I love sniping.
    They added some pieces of gear you can get from the cat every 5 levels after hitting lv20 till you are 50. That is pretty much it.

    Yeah pretty much, after picking a tea wait till the right time and play splat fest is pretty much turf wars between the two teams and there are 3 maps that don't change at all for the entire duration. Aside private battles you can't do the other play modes either.
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    Might be a because of connector erros. If someone dc's sometimes they stay on the field for a while before proofing. This game is pretty sensetive in that if you end up 3v4 you almost always lose unless your team is super good or they suck. I was once in a 2v4 and we managed to win by playing like pros. I was a Charger and focused on killing and my team member just covered area. It was like 51 to 49 but we won lol.

    Yeah private battles don't give anything. Otherwise you could just power level someone there. You still get exp if you lose. You get exp and money based on your paint points. Winners get a bonus of 300.

    Max level right now is 50. And I told you it is addicting x3
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    Merry Squidmas!

    I didn't see yet but will accept it next time I log in :3
    The game is lots of fun but as its still a shooter you need to play it for a while to get the hang of it and get better at it. It might also not help you can easily get rotated in a group full of high level players and such.

    Lets try hit up sometime next week!
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    Bah, they can keep their freakin cats! Thanks and happy friday to ya Himi.
  12. View Conversation
    Dat Pratty boi tho
  13. View Conversation
    Oh sweet. can't wait for it. and yeah finally Japanese Voices. I noticed Tales of Hearts R on Vita has only JP VA which is awesome.
  14. View Conversation
    is ur pic u irl?
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    Ah so it's you who added me recently, I forgot about your cute character >.<
    We should totally take some pics together soon <3
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    Happy Valentine's Day
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    Oh that's neat. I like that little touch where they get masks. You can assure they are hidden on the adventure map of the MM pack for sure. Now pray Cia isn't ballsdeep on the map or bs hard to get ;;

    Also sorry for not replying a lot here lately, I barely checked the forum last few weeks and profile message notifications go once you checked them unlike PM's.
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    I know *pats* I can live with Tingle but Young Link should been Skull Kid and Fierce Deity an outfit for Link. There is just no point in having 2 Link's in this game. Then again we also have 2 Midna's..Twili Midna could been replaced with alot of better stuff from TP as well.

    Part of me wants Lana to wear the mask but since I like her way to much I kinda like it she has her mask to the side. The Sheik and Impa ones are indeed super lame specially with how well done the OoT outfits for Link, Ganondorf and Zelda are. I prefer the HW look of Sheik and Impa much more anyway so I won't even use them.

    It has to be harder then the Twilight map because otherwise there is no challenge for these that hit the cap. I clearly notice I struggle with lv60 characters on the Twilight map so I pretty much have to fall back to the other 2 maps. There is also still the hidden Adventure map that won't open unless you catch the first 100 Skultullas. That one is even harder I heard.

    *pats* That's fine. You have to focus on your exams. Just thought I'd check on you about it so you didn't forget about it xD Good luck with the exams :3
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