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    I'm on exodus. Sorry, I haven't been on psoworld in ages
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    I've never been a big horror fan. Probably because I'm not good with scary/gory stuff. xD Although I *do* make the occasional exception. I've played a few Resident Evil games and I love The Walking Dead, for example.

    My Fourth of July was okay but nothing really special. I had a BBQ lunch at work and a BBQ dinner at my parents' house. The work lunch was on a different day, though. Since then? Well, I've been crazy busy at work and trying to stay cool in the heat. I'm having a hard time sleeping thanks to this warm, muggy weather we've been having. >.> Also, the video card on my computer died and I had to buy and install a new one. That was quite an "adventure." Other than that, I've been watching a few movies at the theater. I saw Wonder Woman and Spider-Man, and tomorrow I'm watching Dunkirk. Do you go to the theater often?

    Ugh, summer is definitely my least favorite time of year. The weather is the reason, in case you're wondering. It's just months and months of hot, sunny days in a row... ~.~
  3. View Conversation
    Sorry for the VERY late response! I haven't been checking this site as often as I used to! @_@;
    I've been whittling away at Shantae: Half-Genie Hero and Gravity Rush 2!
  4. View Conversation
    Not many goals, no. I'm not much of a long-term planner. I tend to focus on the short term most of the time. I could tell you what I'm doing for the next couple weeks, but beyond that, I don't really know. xD

    Movies/TV shows? Hmm... I haven't been to the theater much lately. The last two movies I saw were Logan and Wonder Woman. Both were good, but Logan was probably better. I watched a bunch of stuff on Netflix. "Kubo and the Two Strings" and "The Secret Life of Pets" were both entertaining animated films. I enjoyed "Iron Fist" and "Master of None season 2." Sherlock season 4 was okay but not as good as the first three IMO. As far as actual TV goes, the only thing I'm following at the moment is "Fear the Walking Dead season 3."

    What about you? Seen anything good lately?
  5. View Conversation
    Not really, no. I've already done everything I had planned for this year. I mean, I'm sure I'll do *something*, like maybe a camping trip or a weekend away with friends, but I don't have anything specific planned. What about you?

    P.S. Sorry for the late reply.
  6. View Conversation
    Yep! Same job, same everything. Life's been very stable for me over the past year, which has been a good thing. Work was crazy busy a couple months ago but things have calmed down lately. Aside from getting sick last month, I can't really complain.
  7. View Conversation
    I'm sorta still around
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    I don't have a PlayStation Portable so I wasn't able to play it, sadly. I liked the PSU story as well. Hard to say whether it's my favorite or not, but I have the most fond memories of playing during that era. Competitive Pokemon battles? I like Pokemon but I haven't played most of the newer ones. Which generation is your favorite? I haven't played a FF game since FFX and X-2. The newer ones strayed a bit from my taste. I hear XIV is pretty good but I don't have time to play another MMO right now. I haven't been playing too many games lately. I still log into PSO2 now and then, but mainly just to buy new outfits for my characters.
  9. View Conversation
    Busy as usual. So much stuff to do but so little time to actually do it! -_-
    How about you?
  10. View Conversation
    Mostly the same~ A bit more bored than usual, also welcome back~
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    No problem, although I need to visit more it seems.
  12. View Conversation
    I haven't played PSP2 before. What kind of work are you doing these days? And what are you doing on YouTube? Let's Plays? If so, what kind of games do you play?
  13. View Conversation
    Hiya! Sorry it took me a week to get back to you, I've been away for a bit. Mmm, I'm doing pretty well. Work isn't as crazy as it was before (still busy though), spending time with family and friends, recovering from being sick. I haven't played PSO2 in a long time. I still log in for support partner COs and to check out the latest costumes, though! What about you? How have you been?
  14. View Conversation
    What server are you on?
  15. View Conversation
    heh xd
    Cerberus is where i am at
  16. View Conversation
    Mhmm, I am and have been ever since... late 2014
  17. View Conversation
    How did you know I was playing FFXIV?
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    Fine and you?
  19. View Conversation
    Hi there Mr stranger
  20. View Conversation
    People just being really rude and ugly. Ruining the game for me. My family is is kinda being the same. That's why I lived alone.

    Wow, it's been that long already?
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February 14, 1993 (32)
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Pokemon, FFXIV, Phantasy Star, and anime/manga :]
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Dragon: lvl 80 human hunter(lvl 15)


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