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  1. View Conversation
    Hiya! Got it and okie dokes~ I'll ding you sometime... I'm SO darn busy now... work T_T .. *sigh*
  2. View Conversation
    Heeeeeeeeeeey~~ It's been a while.. I've been dead busy lately.. How're things? Hehehe!! Work started piling up on my end =_=" .. *sighs*
  3. View Conversation
    Yuuhuu~ <3
  4. hasn't exactly been pleasant lately. I've been stupidly busy with both my father's passing as well as preparing for a move.
  5. View Conversation
    I'll send an invite later today then. The invites will still show up even if the other person is offline so we don't have to be on at the exact same time.
  6. View Conversation
    Well, I'll add you when I can get back on then. I see your character names in your profile but what's your in-game ID name?
  7. View Conversation
    My character's name is Lachesis. If you're on ship 2, throw that in to the visiphone and I should come up.
  8. View Conversation
    Hey! I don't do it on purpose! It's not my fault I only take e-arguments and online games seriously only just enough to enjoy them!
  9. View Conversation
    The YouTube Channel "EVERYTHING IS TERRIBLE?" or just everything terrible? Because that YouTube channel is awesome.
  10. View Conversation
    if your team is in ship 2 I'll join it
  11. View Conversation
    Hay I don't like echo! She's whack! And yeah like I said, nobody is going to take those threads seriously. Otherwise, people simply not taking them seriously wouldn't have resulted in a derail. Those threads killed themselves.
  12. View Conversation
    Whuh? if you're talking about that thread about the ship locks then I said I already got over it. A Couple people who already don't like me getting a chance to give me shit about my mood during that time really means nothing. Just be happy I didn't let them trick me into turning it into a "LOL U DUM U WOULDN'T KNOW WHAT IT'S LIKE FIXING A GAME" self righteous bitch fest about things I already understand.

    As for the fanclub threads. Those threads getting total'd were inevitable being unserious threads to begin with. The Jean's name bickering was retarded though, of course that was going to be trolled.

    I think you said something about your friends being mad about the happenings in that thread and blaming you for something-I dunno like I said, pick better friends they sound like people that wouldn't last 2 seconds around me. I'm like kryptonite to uptight people.
  13. Tastes kinda like paint, comes out in neato colors just like paint!

    I'd recommend eating some buddypal!
  14. I get attention? :O Whar? Only attention I get around here is from buddypals I've already made.
  15. You can be a Polly too! Being Polly is preeeeeeetty awesome, I have to say.
  16. Ah, yeah. Figured that may have thrown a few people off. I tend to go by "Polly" most of the time online (for the last seven or eight years really) so I went ahead and snagged a name change to keep most of my online stuff uniform.
  17. View Conversation
    Ah ok lol, sorry to hear that you are pissed at him.
  18. View Conversation
    are you priest in game? Hey man.
  19. View Conversation
    You should be ashamed of yourself.
  20. View Conversation
    How dare you.
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