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  1. View Conversation
    BloodmageR Here's to you having a great Birthday, enjoy!
  2. View Conversation
    I'm doing well, Thanks!
  3. View Conversation
    Happy Birthday, Crazy Cat Lady ahem I mean HBD BloodmageR!
  4. View Conversation
    Happy Birthday, Hunter BloodmageR!!!
  5. View Conversation
    Aww Thank You, BloodmageR!
  6. View Conversation
    Happy Birthday BloodmageR!
  7. View Conversation
    Happy Birthday BloodmageR!
  8. View Conversation
    I'm watching a few things on Netflix here and there. Fate unlimited, is that the anime or game version? I never saw the first one, but I just started Fate/zero. I don't think they have the others on Netflix. Game wise, I'm playing dynasty warriors 7, genji: Days of the blade, and final fantasy 13.
  9. View Conversation
    Wow, someone is still around. I'm alright. Just been on my PS3 and watching Netflix. What about you? How have you been?
  10. View Conversation
    sup hey play now phantasy star online blue burst server is here

    Have Fun xD
  11. View Conversation
    Nah. Still same old boring life lol. I don't really do much. I'm just getting old.
  12. View Conversation
    Long time no see. How are you?
  13. View Conversation
    i'm happy to hear you are doing great, and yay for anime conventions :3

    what did you think of dark souls 2?
  14. I was super bummed when The Swapper ended. I wanted more. I tried going back for the Transmission From Home achievements, but gave up since they don't really involve new puzzles or anything, and just randomly cloning yourself into walls. It's probably the best game I've played lately.

    I'd say go into Transistor with some lowered expectations. Not only is it INCREDIBLY short and abrupt, but the combat and general execution of the game's mechanics don't really feel done. The combination system is super awesome, but it's too easy to break the game, which is a bummer since it could have been a killer strategic game. That said, it's goddamn gorgeous in both visual and audio departments. I'd wait for a $10 sale or something. I don't feel it was worth $20.

    I'm probably gonna grab Child of Light at some point. It looks hella traditional, but at the same time I really support the UbiArt engine and kinda like being wowed with those visuals.

    At the moment, I'm kinda slogging my way through Drakengard 3 and kinda bouncing from game-to-game on Steam trying to see if anything really strikes me. Drakengard 3 is a little overhyped by its fanbase, I think. They paint it as this over the top crazy action game with SUPER OUT THERE characters, but so far the game's just been pretty bland and throw-away one-liners that are occasionally funny.

    Not really sure what else I'm looking for gaming-wise right now though. I feel the disappointment I felt with Dark Souls II and Transistor kinda put a dent in my enthusiasm for games lately. :/
  15. View Conversation
    Awww yeeeah, in line with these games: Transistor. Just, ugh, so great so far. The soundtrack is so atmospheric and fabulous, and the game is so beautiful. Not entirely sure about the story yet since I'm only a few levels in, but so far it might end up on my top 10.

    XD I've been digging up fossils and trying my damnedest to befriend all of my villagers. At the very least the game operates on time so I can regulate when I play and not be up at 3AM trying to make this pixel-penguin happy.

    Funny thing with tablets is that they always feel so very different from paper drawing that it feels like starting from square one, that said, a good brand of tablet to test the waters would be the Monoprice brand tablets. They're cheap but durable with decent pressure sensitivity to boot. Games aren't a bad choice though

    I recently had to pass up on a con but since it is the season for lots of the bigger conventions, many of the artists I like to follow have been pumping out now my studio walls are covered with them and my wallet is sobbing. I have to get surgery on my feet mid-next month so I don't know how limited I'll be on footwear yet, which will change multiple things. I'm heavily contemplating a Borderlands costume though, since most of the characters are wearing flat shoes. Shame though, I really wanted to cosplay Satsuki in the Fall at my state's biggest convention.

    Sorry for the delayed reply, I went to a concert and then had to rush to pack for camping, so I've been busy. And also ended up with weird tramp-stamp sunburns because I forgot that ladies shirts tend to ride up in the back, hahaha!
  16. View Conversation
    i'm doing okay, had some work related stress yesterday, and i was going crazy, and then the guy at mc donalds drive thru called me ma'm and all my anger just melted away xD

    all i've been up to is playing drakengard 3... now in English! :3 you?
  17. View Conversation

    IF would be my number one cosplay option, but doing her jacket would be pretty difficult, whereas with Hitomi most of her outfits would be pretty easy. The hardest thing about that particular outfit would be applying her emblem to the tanktop. The jeans are easy, I have an athletic tanktop that's almost exactly like hers, I have the boots, and the gloves shouldn't be hard. I'd have to get bangs cut, but that would be kinda fun. All I'm missing is her boobs XD Oh, and I almost forgot, Kooh from Pangya! She has soooo many cute outfits that would be fun to try.

    Mmm, steeeeeeak :O I will be enjoying steaks and burgers later today~ Yesterday was fun, relaxing in the hot tub with a few friends, letting the heat relax my body :3 The pool at my apartment complex is finally open too, can't wait to get out there after work and such. Also I really want to go to Hawaii, especially with Stu showing me pics of it ;_;
  18. View Conversation
    Wow, sounds like you had a good time and got to see a lot of great stuff :O One of the biggest things I'm looking forward to with Xillia 2 is more Teepo lines, so that's awesome. Didn't realize she also did Rachel, that's kind of a hilarious dynamic XD I'd love to go to a convention but there really isn't much to see around here, sadly. I've heard rumors that my city might be getting one though.

    I'd still really love to cosplay, I just need a good opportunity. I think my number one option starting out would be to cosplay Hitomi from Dead or Alive, because we look similar and her outfits would be easy to pull off. Specifically, I was thinking this outfit because I already have most of it almost exactly. Other big contenders are IF from Hyperdimension Neptunia, Tear from Tales of the Abyss, Hiyori from Lucky Star, and if I got REALLY adventurous I would totally do some Phantasy Star or Hard Corps cosplay, because the outfits are so awesome.

    My weekend's going well otherwise, going to a friend's birthday party later (HOT TUB!) and tomorrow I'm grilling out with my family. I've already made a friend snort coffee out her nose from laughter, so I'd say today is already a success XD
  19. View Conversation
    Wow, talk about multi tasking. It must be nice to still be young. I haven't really been doing much of anything I guess. Maybe I'm just getting too old lol.
  20. View Conversation
    Thank you! Oh, that sounds like it'd be a pretty awesome choice.

    Child of Light was lovely. I really dig the art style and minimalist sound track, not to mention I am an absolute sucker for fairy tales and fables so that was an instant-buy for me. I just barely finished The Banner Saga which leaves me eagerly waiting for more even though every single decision in that game felt like it was the wrong choice, hahaha. Overall it was a really enjoyable game and I liked the art and soundtrack for it as well (you may see a trend with the games I like lol). As for Animal Crossing: New Leaf...I FEEL SO VERY RESPONSIBLE FOR THESE PIXELATED ANIMAL PEOPLE OH LORD.

    Outside of that, I'm doing pretty good, it's nice not to have to wake up and go to dumb classes for a little while. I spent my entire tax return on a new drawing tablet and have basically been glued to it for a week.
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About BloodmageR

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Date of Birth
January 8, 1993 (32)
About BloodmageR
Ah, hold on a second... I have a cat swarming on me issue. Luckily not playing PSO2 right now!
Science Fiction, Cats, MMORPGs, Touhou, anime, manga, novels, games, and having a silly good time.
University Student


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Jan 8, 2022 10:16 PM
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Oct 28, 2023 02:27 AM
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May 15, 2012

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    Good eye, sniper

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