no spaces worked. ty.
You're gay. Period.
My username may be crappy, but it isn't some WANNA BE ELITIST NAME LIKE "Z-0". I mean... what the duck??
"yes u will get rekt" you're still one of my favorite posters mayn. i'm back in the game every so often. braver is really fun i like the jet boots. we should shoot the shit sometime, i'm on ship 2. we can do challenge you can watch me be a bad
this guy died in UQ he is so bad
also you seem to like pso games in general. you probably like the soundtracks too. here you go friend
actually the funniest tryhard comic i've read in ages
hi bb
I-i'm sorrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!
just a regular passerby
Zyn zyn come back pls ; _;
Welp. I wanted to know if you was interested in running Sanctum, but I just got my answer. You'd still have to play the game if you want that gear and you're already at the point or no return. /dreams crushed again D:
What if I told you to run one final TA before retiring? And I'm not joking. o3o
Hey, didn't you play RaBr?
I... I never got the chance to go out on a date with you. D: /dreams crushed
how to hit 20k with rafoie??
Hi Zyn. o3o
what up
r.i.p. Matt
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