It's 2 am here so might just drag myself to bed. Baaaai, cutie.
Simple! 1) Find a hot guy who knows how to cook. 2) Tell him that you love him, and then stay the night. 3) The morning after, have him make you breakfast while wearing a naked apron. 4) Leave and delete his number on your phone while laughing prettily. 5) Rinse and repeat. I'm so kind!
Yes, but I'm ESPECIALLY better than you today. What's up? I'm kind of bored.
I'm better than you today too! -sparkles prettily-
NOT FOUL LANGUAGE! ISH MANY DECORATIVE ASTERISKS! also i dun quad i penta! wai its not okay, even syhon stamped me an approval seal!
wow foul language
y u no correct this ******** faster so I don't have to ************ my precious ************? щ(^д^щ)
(ノ・_・)ノ彡 /(. ̄ . /)←Zyn
Wow so you found me
So you posted a spreadsheet which had SHTA mob HP. One of the things that I noticed is that Vol dragon has tail breakable that is listed as 1/4 HP in Amduscia, but only 1/10 in Sanctum. The biggest difference that I would see is infection status, but Quartz Dragon has horn breakable at 1/10 HP as well. Do you happen to know what's up with that?
I recently started trying to get better at targeting the left unbreakable arm, instead of the core. It turns out that it's not that difficult to target it. Now I do twice the damage I used to. In other words, you are correct that attacking the unbreakable arm is the best way to go. Thanks for the advice. Also, I set up my free message to tell the other players to attack the left unbreakable arm. Hopefully more players start to do the same, so we can kill Elder in 30 secs.
Were you the one who said we should attack the left unbreakable arm to kill Falz Elder the fastest?
Happy birthday!
Yeah, the character creation was my favorite part lol. I kinda wanna play it but I kinda don't, idk.
Do you play pso2? Is it fun? I only got to level 17
Hi :OOO (just saying "hi" is too short so i had to add some things)
Everything's the same between us except my shchlat rear has Elder soul/PP boost (tech failed) and I use a 3slotted (Elder/Tech III/PP boost) 3 potential +10 Demon Fork instead.
I was just trying to calculate why I do like 2-3k less damage than you with megid and so far found that every 100 T-atk is like 200 more damage. I'm also calculating some other stuff.
Mostly just interested in the total T-atk without shifta drink/tech
Can I ask how much T-atk you have and how it's split up?
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