I was able to do it :>
so after the AS dash in midair, you immediately perform the LA cancel dash?
So I've been having trouble with timing the aim shot dash at the end of my quad/triple dash sequence, how do you do it so smoothly? It seems to be a little easier with LA dashes, but I always get a small stutter between an AS dash and la/switch dash attempt.
Oh nice! Glad to hear about your being in university! Make sure you eat enough though and sleep and brush your teeth and all that healthy stuff.. lol >~>;;; I have not seen you once in PSO2. Are you not on because of university, or?
Im goody!! Wai not eat? D8
Liars? and hi!
Are you shooing me away? :3
HI super talented PSO2 player guy! /bows
Just wanted to say that I always enjoy reading your posts. You are smart, mature, informative and seem very knowledgeable and skilled at PSO2. I wish more people could be like you.
I must know for certain: Is it "Zed-Zero" or "Zee-Oh" ??
ooo yay another uk player? hi im on ship 2 my character is a TE/FO caseal 31 on both. we should play some time maybe?
Happy birthday!
oh WOW i didn't know that pressing jump made the switch come out faster thanks
ok, so this is gonna bug me forever why do your weapons switches come out faster in the triple dash? is it cause you have superior connection to the server?
Ahh thats cool, nice to see a fellow Wiganer on here anyways. ;D
You dont happen to be the Matthew Swift who went to Standish High school?
Very much so, I must, ... uhm wait some more! Till then, I am just floating around...
Cause I moved out mang, now I am waiting to re-instate the internatz again... :v
Hey why didnt you answer me... I am hurt yo... ; -;
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