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  1. View Conversation
    Yes, I'm around. What do you need?
  2. View Conversation
    Heh you saying that reminds me of how much I improved on my drawings over the past year.
  3. View Conversation
    Never rush with any artwork. My only issue is staring at my computer for 3+ hours strait working on just one character's color.
  4. View Conversation
    My problems with PS's editable brushes is that it's a bit complicated, long, and most of the brushes are messy.

    As for my project, I just wanted to do a digital version of my project but the original is being done by hand with pencils and color pencils. I plan to show the results but it's probably going to take a long while before that happens.
  5. View Conversation
    Yea I went on my own and looked it up. There was a free trail but there also all of these agreements and software licensing stuffs so I didn't bother getting it. So for now I have to deal with the hells of Photoshop and Illustrator.

    The main reason I asked about Sai was because I have issues using brushes on Photoshop. As for ram, well my laptop and desktops just laughs and goes beyond 4k pixel (I think it's somewhere around 7k-10k is where it starts going crazy).

    No worries about reply being delay, IRL can be a pain sometimes.
  6. View Conversation
    Hey Shinu, I hope you don't mind me asking you this: "What program are you using to do you artwork?" I'm asking you this because I have a little project going on need a program that has better palates and coloring options/tools than Photoshop and Illustrator. And in any case if you do answer, where and how to get it.
  7. View Conversation
    Hi ^-^
    werde dich mal adden sobald ich wieder on bin ^-^
  8. View Conversation
    Ich weiß. xD I felt the same way today when I finally catched up at the name "Shinu" xDD I feel so dumb.
  9. View Conversation
    I don't think I can draw/finish my entree for that colab drawing anytime soon or in the near future. Got a new project thrown at me. (/w\)
  10. View Conversation
    Ya. Ship 10 got meh. All the major english teams on there consist of whiny babie about 11* and other stuff. At least on ship 2, I got more people to play with, especially since new AQs are coming.
  11. View Conversation
    Oh, das ist ja eine schöne Überraschung. xDD Thanks! Mind me asking where you're from?
  12. View Conversation
    Oh the best of the luck to you as well then! Or how we germans wish someone the best luck: I'll be holding my thumbs for you!
  13. View Conversation
    Ahh sure thing!! (´v`)
    Although dunno if i'll be on much in february due to finals

    Also thanks for the Friend Request!
  14. View Conversation
    Mathematics and dealers
    And players and me
    They say that they winners
    Ok well, let's see
  15. View Conversation
    Yeah, I am still active on Ship 10. Once I get on today (which should be in about 5-10 minutes) I will send you a request. Thank you and have a good day!
  16. Roger that!
  17. View Conversation
    Hey - Just an FYI that we're not allowed to talk about the site you mentioned in your "Menu patch oudated?" thread - Please edit your post and remove it. :3 Thanks!
  18. View Conversation
    lol, everyone who I befriended with always have something bout putting their own chat post in their own conversations which gets me wondering why no answer and checking their profile page up and noticing that they posted in their own chatbox on accident and I got the info late lol.

    Hehe, I guess your an amigo since you (lol) did the same thing.
  19. Hmmm let's say I'm collecting friends.... because I'm lonely.
  20. View Conversation
    Wasn't too sure on why you sent me a friend request but well, I just went ahead and accepted it.
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About Shinureal

Basic Information

About Shinureal
Original from Ragol. Ship 10 now.
Games, Drawing (manga), painting (digital), travelling and camping, swimming, reading...
Playstation Network ID:
Shinu Fliegt
Player Info
PSO2 Characters:
Shinu Karasu, Hunter, ship 10
PSO Characters:
PSO (dreamcast)

Palyer name: Kula
Don't remember the rest :(

PSO2 (pc)
Name: Shinu Karasu
Level: 29
Class: Hunter
Fav weapons: Big swords
PS Portable Characters:
Player name: Yuri
Type: Human
Gender: Female
Level: 200
Class: hunter
Fav weapon: De Ragan Slayer


Busy doing nothing...


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Most Recent Message
Jan 31, 2015 12:03 PM
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Last Activity
Aug 8, 2020 11:20 AM
Join Date
Jul 13, 2013

24 Friends

  1. AIDA AIDA is offline

    Director of the Universe

  2. Ami Ami is offline

    Who watches the Watchers?

  3. CanaanAzure CanaanAzure is offline

    Defender of Love&Justice

  4. CelestialBlade CelestialBlade is offline

    Good eye, sniper

  5. Coatl Coatl is offline


  6. CrowCakes CrowCakes is offline

    Rappy Hunter

  7. Emp Emp is offline

    a wanderer...

  8. Ephidiel Ephidiel is offline

    PSO Assassin

  9. Ezodagrom Ezodagrom is offline


  10. KazukiQZ KazukiQZ is offline

    JOKER MAXI-...wrong game

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Player Info
PSO2 Characters:
Shinu Karasu, Hunter, ship 10
PSO Characters:
PSO (dreamcast)

Palyer name: Kula
Don't remember the rest :(

PSO2 (pc)
Name: Shinu Karasu
Level: 29
Class: Hunter
Fav weapons: Big swords
PS Portable Characters:
Player name: Yuri
Type: Human
Gender: Female
Level: 200
Class: hunter
Fav weapon: De Ragan Slayer
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