Never really liked it. Didn't play long tho. I think it's the only PS game I never cared about.
Are there a lot of people still playing? Is it good financially for SEGA?
Type: Posts; User: Behelit
Never really liked it. Didn't play long tho. I think it's the only PS game I never cared about.
Are there a lot of people still playing? Is it good financially for SEGA?
I think the older you get the more difficult it become to find time to play everythingyou want
Thanks a lot
Where can I find an app to simulate a Mag's growth and evolution?
lol intresting poll oO
lol 9/10
these guys are crazy
did HIVE for 2 days.Got 4 rares enemies but just stupid loots , no black heart...
2 intresting days ... and for nothing -_-
intresting topic ...
good job !
intresting topic
intresting topic...
lol i think that Deljaban is gay !
hmmmm no uggly option oO
just give hunter weapons to put down the tec bar , like said on other treads
lol try again before posting inutil tread
what a stupid topic :s
here take the door ---> []
well i con't say somthing about 420 but about my 410
just lovi it
i play force , it's more like a bodyguard , when the ennemie...
lol with for exemple !12 or &55
you can make a nice combo with face and sound
for exemple @02&87!18 [ your message ]
when do whe gonna have them?
so you make the pic and send your card , but if you change your haire + acc. and skin color ...
nice ID , it's not you !
did somone found a new slot?
tnx a lot
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