
Type: Posts; User: TheGodlyMonster

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  1. Replies

    i made a Phantasy Star Font

    i recently created and released a Phantasy Star Online themed font on (for free obviously) if anyone is interested in checking it out.
    it's a TTF pixel font, so it's also good for use in rpg...
  2. as a side question, if you happen to know as...

    as a side question, if you happen to know as well, are there any plans for NG to add player rooms ?
    because that is a major feature that PSO2 has that it does very very well, and i would hope NG...
  3. ah i see i didn't know they merged the screen for...

    ah i see i didn't know they merged the screen for both games to log into. got it.
    and i see, i was wondering how big of a risk it was because i dont see many players complaining about getiting...
  4. is this for the PSO2 servers or the New Genesis...

    is this for the PSO2 servers or the New Genesis servers ? the screen looks like NG but like i said we uninstalled so maybe they changed the screen, i'm not familiar with how it looks rn
    i'm trying...
  5. unfortunately we uninstalled the game when we...

    unfortunately we uninstalled the game when we found out we were region blocked, so we're trying to find out first if we can get in before redownloading 70+ gb
  6. PSO2 JP no longer IP / region blocked?

    hello, i'm just wondering if the PSO2 JP servers are again accessable from elsewhere without risking a VPN and an account ban.
    my fiancee and i have characters with over 600 hours and loads of items...
  7. Want To Sell; Staff of Replicant Camo, Cake Shop Cargo room good, etc

    - staff of replicant weapon camo (i forgot the full name)
    20 mill OBO

    - nauras cake shop cargo
    99 mill OBO

    - revealing pajamas shadow [ou]
    8 mill OBO
  8. Replies

    PSO2 Anyone have any info on the ARKS offline event...

    Anyone have any info on the ARKS offline event for 2020?
    I'm currently in Japan and I heard it starts early in the year and lasts until almost the end of the year, but I can't find anything about...
  9. Replies

    *out of date*

  10. Item Ah I see, thank you! I still want it for some...

    Ah I see, thank you! I still want it for some reason aha.
  11. Replies


    [deleted will update in new post later]
  12. Item What is the new item “Beauty Closet“ from ??

    So I saw the Beauty Closet originally in the PSO2 direct in December and was super excited for it to come out.
    Now obviously on Ship 2 that s**t’s super overpriced still, but after watching the...
  13. Replies

    PSO2 Are the “Puso Ni Character Pose” and “Puso Comic...

    Are the “Puso Ni Character Pose” and “Puso Comic Character Pose” lobby actions two different things?
    What I mean is, I can only find the Ni Pose in the shop, but I thought I saw someone doing the...
  14. Replies

    PSO2 thanks for the help! it eventually showed up, but...

    thanks for the help! it eventually showed up, but im not sure how or why xD
  15. Replies

    PSO2 I could use some help figuring out how to get the...

    I could use some help figuring out how to get the authentication code to send properly to a Gmail. I’m trying to log into PSO2 on my PS Vita and I got the code pop up, but it won’t show up in my...
  16. [deleted]

    update: images have been removed ~ thread no longer active
  17. Replies

    PSO2 I was wondering if there are any secret phrases...

    I was wondering if there are any secret phrases right now, and also how often they are. I tried to look it up and it seems like it's a new one every week? But I couldn't find where they are posted up...
  18. Replies

    PSO2 Does anyone happen to know a safe site/link to...

    Does anyone happen to know a safe site/link to download PSO BB, and what the best or most active servers are for it? I don't have a GC rn so I cant play PSO and never got to try BB
  19. Replies

    PSO2 ah okay, thank you so much ^^ I will probably...

    ah okay, thank you so much ^^ I will probably start one then, I think it could be really fun
  20. Replies

    PSO2 I know most people go to other sites to find Room...

    I know most people go to other sites to find Room Good lists, or get redirected to other sites to find item lists.
    However, I was wondering if there's a thread anywhere here where people post info...
  21. Replies

    Ooohh I see, I wonder when the next in game...

    Ooohh I see, I wonder when the next in game concert is then because I've never seen one
  22. Replies

    Next Quna Concert?

    I was wondering, I translated a system message a while ago that said there was a concert on the 28th of September.
    Does anyone know if there is a Quna concert tonight or tomorrow morning (since it's...
  23. It turns out after posting the error in a...

    It turns out after posting the error in a Japanese language group, it says that it couldn't connect to the server.
    Now I'm kinda more confused as to how I'm not able to connect to the server this...
  24. That's the thing though, the site doesn't even...

    That's the thing though, the site doesn't even let you input a non-Jp address, so I found a Japanese forwarding website just for that purpose. (It's called Tenso if you wanted to see what I mean) It...
  25. PSO2 x Marui Merch Collab. Help- Any Luck Buying??

    So I'm sure people have seen the AD for the 0101 Marui Merch collab with PSO2 in the portals pop up.
    What I'm curious to is, has anyone actually managed to BUY anthing off the site?
    I figured out...
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